WAH – A Social Disaster?

Women AND Men working from home is a ‘Social Engineering Disaster’ being inflicted on an unaware population.

The Office isn’t just a place to work for MOST people, it’s a Way-Of-Life … A Community …. A Social Hub even …. Yes, it’s OK for a short spell, even a novelty I suppose, with some benefits including child-care costs, the freedom to go to the Loo at any time, or nip out to the shop, maybe a little stroll and some fresh-air.

On the other hand, you have the door-knockers who think it’s just fine to drop in for a natter and a coffee, the kids need attention pronto! The cold-callers keep pestering you, and then the Jehovah’s Witnesses see your light on and feel the NEED to warn you of your impending DOOOM!

All of this takes it’s toll on ‘anyone’ who isn’t disciplined enough in the Art of ‘Home-Working’ effectively, and it IS an art/skill that you need.

Now MANY folk leave school to work a Job, NOT to be self-employed, (we/they’re a different breed) they need to be TOLD what to do and HOW to to do it, even WHEN to do it. Working on their own initiative is not a life-skill they’re happy with and will NEVER be happy with. You HAVE to have Bosses and you HAVE to have Workers or society collapses … FACT!

By thinking these folk can just change their whole personality is ‘Social Engineering’ at it’s WORST! …. It Will and Does have far-reaching psychological effects on the Mental Health of those being FORCED to make such dramatic changes to their WHOLE Lifestyle and is already being SEEN in Psychiatric Hospitals, surgeries, clinics – not just in the UK, but Worldwide as well.

The SAD thing is, in the UK it’s being perpetuated by Psychopathic MP’s who are just looking after their Salary and positions of POWER!!

The Plebs? … US?? ….. We’re the Cannon-Fodder that paves the way so that they can receive FULL BENEFITS from their Memberships to ‘The Run-To-The-Hills Society‘ where the Money-Hoovers simply SUCK us all DRY!! At Any Social Cost.