The Pitfalls Of Serviced Accommodation Properties WorldWide

Before we get into this blog post, please consider the following;
“For every home converted to ‘Serviced Accommodation’ there is one ‘Home-Less‘ for a person or Family who could now find themselves HomeLESS“.

Those who can ‘afford’ to rent temporarily in Serviced Accommodation are substantially better off financially than those looking to ‘rent’ a home. they’re usually on Zero-Hours Contracts, a Basic wage (NOT a Living-wage I might add) or on Benefits of some kind. In other words – the most vulnerable people in our society.

Now I’ve no doubt landlords/property developers believe quite honestly that they can ‘justify’ their actions, but they can NEVER ‘excuse’ them. This is occurring on an International scale and it MUST be halted ASAP!


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Recently I was drawn into the world of ‘Serviced Accommodation’ by webinars, Audio-Books and CD’s all extolling the virtues of Serviced Accommodation as the ‘Saviour’ of all the ‘Buy-To-Let’ Landlords who had been properly ‘Shafted’ by our Tory Government with Income Tax Liabilities right out of the middle-ages. (At the time of writing this it’s August 2017).

On the face of it you’d think it was absolutely wonderful, a real two-fingered salute to this Tory Government who is supposed to be the defender of the Middle and Upper-class, but in reality it is trying to usurp every last penny out of the Bank Accounts of everyone BAR the Super-Rich who are undoubtedly lining the pockets of these dubious politicians who can’t seem to see beyond their ever-growing noses (Pinocchio Stylee).

Please Read – ‘The #RunToTheHills Society‘ …..

Now Buy-To-Let Landlords are absolutely vital to the ever growing demand for privately rented ‘affordable’ accommodation as local authorities have given up on trying to build any more ‘social housing’ because of the massive budget cuts imposed on them by this Austerity Focused government. But since the new tax-laws have been introduced, these landlords have been jumping ship like there’s some sort of plague in the buy-to-let arena, and of course there is – it’s called ‘Bankruptcy’ and who wants anything to do with that?

So, AirB’n’B, and all the others were offering them a get-out-of-jail-free card in the form of ‘Serviced Accommodation’ which with a little bit more effort on the landlords part and some minor re-structuring, they could see their profits quadrupling each month.
So WHO wouldn’t get excited by THAT!! ??

Well, as it turns out – ALL of those poor families who have been turfed OUT of these properties at the drop of a hat and left looking for new homes to rent, that’s WHO! …. Just ONE thing there though – There ‘Are’ NONE! – They’re ALL being turned into ‘Serviced Accommodation’ units and rented out to the highest bidder.

Already, Homeless figures have DOUBLED under this Tory Government, now it looks like the latest ‘highest ever’ figures are set to DOUBLE again as councils can no longer afford to pay for emergency accommodation due to ‘rent caps’ and certainly can’t afford to rent the serviced accommodation units.
So….. Where DO we go from here?

For a START! …. This thoughtless, irresponsible ‘Tory Shambles’ needs to rescind those catastrophic tax-laws which have ‘forced’ those hard-working landlords to take measures they wouldn’t otherwise have taken (Although it’s probably TOO late now as they’ve got a ‘taste’ for those extremely HIGH profits from serviced accommodation units). THEN! They need to offer genuine ‘incentives’ to try and get the buy-to-let-landlords to come ‘back’ to the Rental Section and offer Affordable Homes to those who are now finding themselves HOMELESS!

I’m not digging at the promoters of ‘Serviced Accommodation’ as I’m sure they’re decent folk just trying to find the best work-around solution to avoiding impending bankruptcy, (In this Country that is) But the problem is …. The very SAME problem is rearing it’s ugly head in ALL of the major towns and cities all over the world where AirB’n’B , and all the other co-horts are offering their ‘Fast-Money’ solutions. The whole ‘Concept’ of serviced accommodation is trashing peoples lives and accelerating the ‘Social Cleansing’ agenda favoured by the ‘New World Order’ and of Course! – ‘The #RunToTheHills Society‘.

Just a thought ….. But don’t think TOO long …. YOU could be NEXT!!

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