The Banking ‘Dark Angels’


We all Hate! Them, but we all need them (mostly).

We all need access to money, whether that’s cash or digital. We need to be ‘paid’ for our toil, we need to be able to be able to ‘pay’ for our existence and at present, we all need the banking systems as the middle-man in these transactions so we need to be able to ‘trust’ those banking systems.

Up until several years ago it seemed we rubbed along OK with banks. We could borrow pretty easily. We could get a Business loan or Mortgage without too much hassle. Interest rates were fairly acceptable and didn’t seem to be robbing us blind at every turn. Life was fairly comfortable if you were a working person.

In 2010 We were given a FIRM Wake-Up-Call by the Bankers and the Globalists saw their opportunity to kick us all while were DOWN! Around the world, governments took the opportunity to wring our accounts of any surplus money We had squirreled away over the good times.

In the UK we endured years of ‘Austerity’ as it was called. We were ALL Shafted by incompetent MP’s obeying the orders of ‘The Few’. The poor were made even poorer, even made homeless by the relentless MARCH of austerity, with the disabled and the unemployed/unemployable bearing the brunt and becoming the early victims of ‘Social Cleansing’. Being forced to move MILES AWAY from friends, family and community, all in the name of ‘austerity’.

London was ‘cleansed’ pretty quickly, and thanks to the ‘now’ Mayor Of London, Sadiq Khan, all the loose ends are being tidied up with the ULEZ – Ultra Low Emissions Zone running with the excuse of having to meet Net-Zero targets SET by those same incompetent MP’s who appear to have lost ALL sense of reason and common-sense. Our Human Rights have been ‘sacrificed’ on the Alter of Net-Zero.

What has this got to do with banking? Well businesses are going bankrupt because of the ‘running costs’ of meeting Net-Zero. Regular working folk for all of the essential services are having to sell their vehicles or move AWAY from their own communities because the daily financial burden is too great to carry.

Wages that used to just about cover daily living expenses simply can’t stretch to the end of the month for many these days. On top of that, TFL, ‘Transport For London’ has been almost bankrupted by Sheer Khan – just to rub the salt in.

It’s all about ‘Control’ by bankers over the majority. It’s like holding Londoners (And other cities nationwide) hostage. Need to borrow money do we? – OK, well you have to comply to our new Terms & Conditions which includes correct use of Pronouns. Accepting the Pride Flag as your National Flag. Accepting that there are as many Genders as you can possibly imagine, and that anyone can ‘change’ gender at any time they please. These are just a FEW, but you get the idea – EH?

We have #TheFew who run the Globalist Agenda. We have #TheDarkAngels who do the bidding of ‘The Few’ – These include Governments, Bankers, the W.H.O – ‘World Health Organization’ – The W.E.F – ‘World Economic Forum’ and all of the other ‘Usual Suspects’ who appear to take great delight in telling The World’s Population what to DO!

Now normally, enough people standing UP and saying “Enough Of All This Stupidity Already – It’s Got To STOP!” might do the trick, but the fact that they have ‘Complete Control’ over Our access to ‘digital-cash’ means that we would find it difficult to get ‘enough’ people to Stand UP! They know that, which is why they are just ploughing ON with their vindictive ‘Anti-Human’ agenda.

The really BIG ACE! They have at present is the ‘Pride Movement’ – It has NOTHING to do with the Gay community any longer. It’s the rallying cry for ALL of the Madness! Our World is experiencing at present. Smart-Phones and Social Media have turned too many otherwise normal folk into drones of ‘The Dumb-Down Society’. With most of them ‘Cheering’ the new pride Flag with it’s numerous extra colours that have Demonic Meanings, including ‘Child Abuse’!

Wake-UP! Before you step OVER the cliff-edge to your demise. Go through all of the articles in the menu of this Readi-Bay Blog to at least! Wake Yourself UP!

Especially – ‘Island Of Dreams’.

Then go to to Save Your Soul.


First Published – 19th June 2023
