Is Universal Basic Income The Answer In The UK?

Old Post But Still Relevant Today!


OK, this Tory Ideology of Austerity has been ‘proven’ to be a complete and utter failure, but the powers-that-be simply can’t be seen to lose face so they prop it up and continue the rhetoric that we ‘have’ to continue ‘cutting our cloth’ to fit their ideals.

(NO! – This is NOT a Tory Condemnation Report. They just happen to be the present instigators of a much larger Global Agenda/Ideology)

They have convinced most of the ‘working good’ in the UK that it’s mainly due to lazy good-for-nothing individuals who sit at home all day sponging OFF of the hardworking, wage-earning majority by way of receiving Benefits that the ‘Hard-Working’ are paying for in Income Tax.

This is a LIE being propagated through the Media; Press, Social Media and TV programmes scripted to show Benefit Claimants in the worst possible light.
It’s an age-old Machiavellian tactic used by most Politicians the World over …… ‘Divide and Rule’.

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The Facts are; That there is not, and never will be, enough jobs for everyone in our society (But many Faux-Jobs have been created through Zero-Hour-Contracts) and that there ‘must’ be a fund readily available to those who Can’t or Don’t Want to work for whatever reason, and it must be financed by Tax Paying individuals who ‘Love’ to go to work and who ‘enjoy’ being at work every day – (And They Are The Majority).

The fund is already in place and it’s called –

The Benefit System…. Or Soon to be … (Universal Basic Income?)

People simply MUST get over the “I’m not paying for some lout to sit at home doing nothing and earning MORE than Me” attitude that’s been implanted into their Psyche by this absolutely Heartless, Psychopathic Tory Government.
(Though the other Political parties are certainly not innocent by-standers here)

OK, let’s assume that YOU are one of the majority that love to go to work to earn enough, or even ‘more than enough’ money to finance the way of life you’ve become accustomed to, and you were told that if you give up your job/career right now so that you could sit at home all day doing nothing, or doing whatever you could ‘afford’ to do with a much smaller sum of money each month. Would you take it? ….. NO! Of course you wouldn’t, you benefit greatly, physically and psychologically from the ‘act’ of working for a living.

BUT! What if next week you were told you were no longer needed in your workplace, that your job has been replaced by an ‘Artificially Intelligent Machine’ maybe?
Or, you’re Self-Employed, a Business Owner even, and your work started to dry up, or you simply couldn’t work any more through illness or other catastrophic event?
You would ‘have’ to swallow your pride and turn to the ‘Benefit System’ right??

Guess What!?? …. Yes! …. That’s WHY most of those on benefit claimants are actually ‘in’ the soul-destroying situation of having to ‘Sponge Off of Society’ – or so the Media would have you believe thanks to the Tory Government intent on establishing a Society ruled by Austerity where ‘The Only’ people who come out the other side happy and content are ‘The Super Rich’ … Surprise-Surprise!!

Now I’m not knocking the Rich or the Super-Rich as I know that many of them are really ‘decent people’ with ‘hearts of gold’. They can’t help finding themselves even better-off because of Austerity, just as Benefits-Claimants can’t help finding themselves fighting Poverty.

Then there are those caught in the middle who are finding their money just doesn’t BUY the same as it once did, so it ‘must’ be someone else’s fault – it ‘must’ be those scroungers on Benefits – Mustn’t It??

It’s ALL a part of the ‘Divide and Rule’ culture that’s been imposed on us by those who don’t look at members of the public as actual ‘living’ ‘breathing’ ‘individuals’, they look on us as statistics on graphs that have to be moved around like a game of chess. We’re Pawns, Rooks, Knights and Bishops to be sacrificed at will for the good of King and Queen-Makers; (The Puppeteers and the Puppets).

We all know the real name for these ‘psychopathic entities’ but that’s for another time.

You’re thinking there must be a solution right? …… Guess what? …. There Is!

Trouble is, it’s something ‘most’ people will rail against as it goes against everything we’ve been programmed to accept up until now and that’s ‘voluntary benefits’……. Orrr …. A ‘Benefit-Exchange’.

OK; …. I can hear you all GASP!! …..

BENEFIT EXCHANGE? … (Universal Basic Income?)

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Are YOU absolutely Mad? …. NO! …. I’m very serious and here’s WHY!

Too many people are being ‘forced’ into very low-paid jobs, often on Zero-Hours contracts that gives them absolutely NO security, where they live in ‘real fear’ of losing those jobs or they could lose their home. (Often living in homes that are 3rd World Standard) They work under psychological pressure every day of their lives because the Tory Government ‘have’ to impose their ‘Austerity Ideology’ on the rest of us.

Mothers are having to ‘Hand Over’ responsibility of bringing up their OWN children to complete strangers who are working to a format/curriculum SET by the government, soon to be at just AGE TWO years old. This cannot be good for the child, good for the mother, good for the family and actually BAD for Society.

(My generation started school at 5 years old, left at 15 years old. Most went on to enjoy successful, happy lives with a GOOD education under our belts. Starting education TOO SOON has NO substance and is ALL part of the hidden Agenda to ‘Divide and Rule’)

But because the financial pressures of today are SO GREAT! They have no choice but to comply. UNLESS! ….. as a Society we demand a better way.

‘The Benefit Exchange’ (Universal Basic Income?)  is essential today more than at any time in history because; we have ever-growing numbers of people chasing fewer and fewer actual jobs.
Youngsters being ‘forced’ to stay longer in education because there are NO jobs for them, and no prospects for them. When they DO leave education they have to take scraps of jobs, mainly Zero-Hours Contracts (Worthless).

Adults being ‘forced’ into those same jobs or face losing the pittance they get on benefits that enable them, if they’re one of the lucky ones, to stay in their homes. Shouldn’t we have a society that rewards work with a comfortable standard of living? That supports those who ‘cannot’ or who for psychological reasons ‘will not’ work to enjoy a stress-free life thus enabling them to return to the working environment later?

It’s not ‘Utopia’, it’s very achievable keeping the very same systems already in place, but that just need a little tweaking to succeed. It’s very simple and it works like this.

People who ‘want’ to work and who ‘enjoy’ being able to work are of immense benefit to the business they work for because they increase the output and quality of that business, their profits grow accordingly and thus the economy benefits as a whole.

People who ‘Don’t Want’ to work but who are ‘forced’ to work, often with no security, are a ‘drain’ to any business they work for, they work at half-pace, have no commitment to their work, are seriously unhappy,they clock-watch and just sit-out the hours until they can get back home to see their family and thus they are a ‘real’ liability to the economy as profits and contributions via the various taxes flounder with the possibility of the business going under.

Now there are MANY good people sat at home on benefits who would give their right-arm to be able to get back into the work-place. Then there are those at work who literally ‘hate’ being there and would give their right-arm to be allowed to stay at home with their children/family/pet dog – whatever, but still receive an income to be able to get by comfortably without the fear of losing their home.

Surely it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that a ‘government system’ (NOT a Private, Profit-Making Company) be set up to match the ‘workers’ with the ‘nonworkers’ so that they can do a ‘Benefit-Exchange’. (Much like the Social-Housing-Exchange that appears to work successfully) The Worker takes the Job of the Non-worker who can be paid NOT to be a liability to the economy.

The Worker can be rewarded with a job that gives them a feeling of ‘Self-Worth’ and ‘Satisfaction’, something that cannot be bought at any price.

Pleeeease don’t come back with the excuse that ‘The Economy Can’t Afford It’.
The Economy can’t afford NOT! To Afford It.

(And Yet Somehow! – The Country CAN AFFORD to Finance WAR!! All Over The Globe??)

Jobs are diminishing with every word you read here – that’s a proven FACT of LIFE! – Get over it and adjust to it in the most SANE way possible.
Those who WANT to work are ‘at least’ THREE times more value to Society and the Workplace as a whole, than those ‘forced’ to work against their will.

We MUST! Bite the bullet and accept NOT ALL people are able or suitable to be a part of the present work-force, but they are ALL part of a CARING Society that WE should ALL be very proud of.

It seems that our caring society is only ever apparent when ‘disaster’ strikes, like the recent ‘Grenfell Tower Fire‘ in London where the employed, unemployed, rich, super-rich and those experiencing ‘Real Poverty’ at this time all joined forces to rally-round and help wherever they could. SURELY this proves that when push-comes-to-shove that we DO all really care about each other and that the fractures growing in society (mainly via Austerity) are government induced. That really we KNOW in our own minds that we’re being ‘played like fiddles’ for the good of a ‘Government Agenda’ that has NO legitimacy in our Society.

I have to SAY though – I’m NOT in favour of ‘The Universal Basic Income’ model as it stands today … Those who WANT to Work MUST be given incentives to BETTER themselves, and the UBI model offered at present is simply a ‘Control’ device which MUST be railed against at ALL COSTS.

Now to MOST of you reading this, you’ll KNOW that it’s just plain Common-Sense thinking. But so many have been brainwashed into thinking that the Benefit System is inherently BAD and a DRAIN on society that common-sense will likely go flying OUT of the window.

If YOU can see that THIS is the answer … Then Please ‘Share’ it with everyone you know and especially your local MP – No matter WHAT Political Party they represent.

SOMETHING has to be achieved along these lines.

(Universal Basic Income? – Well a TWIST is what We Need!)

“If You ‘Tolerate’ This – Then – Your Children ‘Will’ Be NEXT!”

(Manic Street Preachers)


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