The Smart Motorway – AKA; The UK Killing Fields

There has been an awful lot of discussion about Smart Motorways in the UK of late, it’s just a great pity that there wasn’t as much ‘before’ they were given the Green Light to go ahead. Anyone with the slightest Lick of Common-Sense could see this should have been a Non-Starter from the OFF!

Alarm Bells should have been ringing LOUD and CLEAR when the prefix SMART was used to describe them. Everything with the prefix ‘Smart’ these days should be treated with EXTREME Caution! … Smart Meters, Smart Cars, Smart Phones, Smart TV’s, even Smart Clothes now, and there are numerous other examples I could share here, but Google is the place to seek out even MORE of these ‘Smart’ devices that have been developed to ‘control’ us and our lives, but more importantly – Our Finances.

Smart phones, TV’s, Alexa & Co, and Smart clothing are just ‘some’ of the devices used to not only ‘listen’ to every spoken word in the vicinity, but many Smart Devices can ‘Watch’ your every move too without your permission or knowledge. We are all sleep-walking into the dystopian future that only appeared on film or in our worst nightmares – But Hey! – We’re already there!

As for our Satanic Smart Motorways? – They were sold to us as the answer to congestion, an alternative to the Motorway Network becoming gridlocked. We were also told they would make us a LOT Safer! Because technology was in place to close lanes ‘immediately’ where there were breakdowns or accidents, and following traffic could all be diverted into the other lanes to keep those Victims Of Circumstance SAFE!

The truth of the matter is, that they do have a half-cocked version of the technology required (but we’re talking ‘UK Gov Tech’ here folks) JOKE at the best of times. As a result No-One is any Safer on Smart-Motorways, in fact quite the OPPOSITE is TRUE! …… You break down in a hot-lane and it’ll be a good while before you’ll ever get noticed, let alone helped. In the meantime, you and your passengers/family/children are at the MERCY of other drivers, many who have their minds set on other things due to the boredom/monotony of motorway driving, or too busy texting/talking on their ‘Smart Phones’ to notice that YOU are in their way and BOOM!! You’re toast, whether it’s a giant HGV or another family car, it’s never going to end good is it?

Now WHY is this? ….. Because some Fool who thinks he is a Genius, and more Fools in Government who don’t have the balls to disagree, follow the recommendation to REMOVE the SAFETY Feature of ALL Motorways … The Hard Shoulder and turn it into a ‘live lane’ to reduce congestion – HUH?? – You couldn’t make it UP could you? Except that a WHOLE government department – ‘Highways England’ is entrusted to complete this madness as soon as possible ‘despite’ all the evidence that MORE people are being Killed or Maimed on the stretches of Smart-Motorway than on the ‘normal’ motorways that DO have a hard shoulder.

Now WHY do you suppose they’re being allowed to carry on? Because although he’s been SHOWN all of the evidence that PROVES Smart-Motorways are a DANGER to the public, the Minister in charge (at the time of writing) Grant Shapps doesn’t have the balls (or the authority maybe) to HALT it before MORE families are destroyed needlessly.

Of course, we’re all being steered away from the very REAL reason Smart-Motorways came into existence, and that is the pursuance of the Tory ‘Social Cleansing’ Agenda. This depends on driving the population ‘down’ into poverty.  Why?  Because anyone who is in Debt is Indebted. Anyone who is Indebted is under the ‘control’ of Authority. Ruling a country with an ‘Iron Rod’ is relatively simple if the majority are indebted to you.

Hence; The Smart-Motorway-Money-Hoovers.

These are those gantry’s you see all the way along these Smart-Motorways with Speed Restrictions and Lane Closure signs above them. They also have more than enough CCTV cameras on each one (just in case they might MISS someone) supposedly to keep an eye on moving traffic and identifying broken down or accident damaged vehicles. Now as we all know by evidence obtained on our behalf by Dispatches, Panorama etc, most vehicles are NOT spotted for some time, and lanes aren’t closed anywhere NEAR quickly enough to keep drivers SAFE! So just what ARE all those CCTV cameras for then?
Money-Hoovers – Yes! That good old Stealth-Tax on the modern Motorist rears it’s ugly head at the expense of Soooo Many Lives lost! And Families Destroyed!

You see, if you’re trundling down the Smart-Motorway and the gantry above tells you to switch lanes because the one you’re in is CLOSED then you need to switch pretty darn QUICK because if you don’t, you get FINED! £££££££’s

Now that’s simple enough isn’t it? You just move over into another lane and you don’t get that FINE££££….. Just one problem there, if you’re a regular user of these Smart-Motorways you’ll know that a ‘rolling gridlock’ is usually in place because of the ridiculously LOW speed limits regularly imposed on traffic for NO apparent reason. (Or is there?) – The reason is, firstly they WANT you to Speed so you can be FINED and then given the opportunity to PAY an extortionate amount of MONEY££££ to attend the ‘convenient’ course that’s offered to you as an alternative to points on your licence. KA-CHING!!!

The other problem when it comes to switching lanes almost immediately – There’s usually NO WAY to actually do it, this is because of the ‘Rolling Gridlock’, there’s no gap to get into, you have to HOPE the person blocking your entry sees you and manages to decrease their speed slowly enough to hold back the ‘Rolling Gridlock’ to let you IN!

What happens if you encroach into the ‘closed lane’? ….. You get FINED££££ …. The ‘Money-Hoover’ gets to strike up another HIT! And YOU are left a LOT Poorer than you were BEFORE you dared enter the Matrix that is – ‘The UK Killing Fields’ – AKA; Smart-Motorways.

Just a thought. Don’t think too long. YOU may be the NEXT VICTIM!
