Tales Of Serendipity In A World Of Illusions
This first short story in the series of ‘The Sheeple Reeple People‘ is simply an introduction to who the Sheeple Reeple People are, HOW they arrived on Planet Earth and just as importantly WHY? So sit back, open your mind, and just ‘imagine’.
Many millions of years ago the earth was plentiful, it was lush green, virtually covered in water, and had many pre-historic animals and birds roaming the land, and billions of fish swimming in the oceans and rivers. It was utopia for all of the life on earth at that time.
Now sadly, life was not so good for some of the other planets swirling around the Universe/Cosmos, and especially on Mars and Venus where death and destruction was overwhelming all of the life on both worlds.
Plans were made on both planets to explore the Universe and find another planet as near as possible that they could inhabit quite easily. As fortune would have it, they both found our Earth at the same time. All life here was still primitive and not able to form any resistance, so plans were made to secure Planet Earth as the new base to rebuild both bloodlines……………… To be continued …………
To Discover MORE! About … ‘The Sheeple-Reeple-People’ … GO – HERE! …..
Publisher; Peter Moring
Copyright © P. Moring 2021
All Rights Reserved