The Invisible Rat-Trap

Have we all walked blindly and voluntarily into the most successful Rat-Trap ever set for Humanity?
Have #TheFew Played their ACE! While we all looked on mesmerised by fear, and agreeing to do almost anything! to save humanity from certain extinction?

We all know we’re talking about the plandemic here, but what ‘is’ the Rat-Trap that #TheFew set for us all? Is it also Too Late Now! For any of us to do ‘anything’ about it anyway? Well actually, it probably is.

Only the blind could fail to notice how our skies have changed over the last 20+ years, but especially since 2020. The sun is no longer a Golden/Yellow, it’s now a Bright! WHITE! at best. And if You take the time to look up on a relatively clear day you will see whispey-cloud coverage as well as the normal cloud structures.

If you get out of bed just around daybreak you might well see grid-formation vapour trails with no relevance to any commercial aircraft routes. This will be the Geo-Engineering/Climate-Engineering projects going about their daily routines. Spraying chemicals HIGH into our atmosphere so that those chemicals can drift down gradually and disperse themselves into the air we breath while going about our daily lives.

I’m not about to go into whether those chemicals are harmful to humanity or not. The facts are – that #TheFew – are doing everything possible to steer us all AWAY from the subject, with the most common excuse by Bill Gates that it’s for OUR own good. That it’s to cool down Mother Earth by masking the sun as “Climate Change” has taken over everything, in every walk of life. Apparently, climate change is SO Dangerous, We might only have a few years LEFT before We all go to see our spirit-in-the-sky.

Now We all know that Vitamin D is vital! To our Well-Being.
That blocking the sun, or dimming it means our Health! is going to suffer badly.
Vitamin Pills are NO substitute, no matter how many times they tell you it ‘is’.

Our Plants, Animals, Food-Stuffs and Farmers are Highly Dependent on Sunshine. Without it – everything FAILS! Starvation for ALL Life is the end result! Life On Earth – as we know it – is going only ONE WAY!

Now every action that is taken by #TheFew has ONE Aim – To de-populate Our Planet. Apparently We ‘Meat-Munchers’ are not deemed necessary in the Globalist World They already have planned-out for Themselves. The sooner We’re GONE! The better!

Talking of ‘Meat-Munchers’ – Why do you think ‘Satan Loves Vegans‘ ??
The ‘Venerable Gates’ has already Genetically Modified the meat that is reared in his millions of acres of farmland and supplies many fast-food chains like – Well, You-Know-Who! – He also grows GM vegetables that supply the Major Supermarket chains, ensuring that his ‘chosen chemicals’ get into the digestive systems of the majority of Humanity.

Now I know there is a BIG market in ‘organic vegetables and meat’ where NO chemicals are used to produce the food for the safety-conscious among us. Sadly the Venerable Gates has THAT! covered too! With his Geo-Engineering, spraying ALL of the vegetation and animal/wildlife in every area chosen on any given day. Unless your food is grown from seed at least 20 years old in laboratory conditions, you’re getting the same chemical soup as the rest of us.

The Old Chestnut – We are doing this to ‘protect’ you from Global Warming, Climate Change, and future pandemics just doesn’t wash any more. THEY! know that Mother Nature is an extremely competent caretaker of planet earth. She doesn’t need Humanity to worry about that job – She’s got it covered and always HAS! But politicians and Billionaire Bond Villains saw another Money-Stream and have promoted it for ALL of it’s WORTH! – We are all paying the price for the ‘Ultimate Payday’ for THEM! – Net Zero!

Now you’d think – why don’t they just KILL off a few billion of us and be done with it? (Don’t worry! That’s in the pipeline if the Rat-Trap Fails). But if they do it that way, they risk the REST of Humanity waking UP! and realising what the ‘game’ is and a definite rebellion would see #TheFew face a certain demise at their hands. So they have to take the more softly-softly approach to keep Ultimate Control! While they dispose of as many of Us as they can, while STILL using the excuse of “It’s For Your Own GOOD!”.

To get back to the plandemic. Remember how we were ALL forced to wear masks almost everywhere, just in case we caught it and passed it ON to anyone and everyone? How We all got Sooo Pi**ed-Off with them that most of us VOWED! We’d NEVER wear them again?
You’re still ANGRY I bet.
And You’re STILL adamant that You’ll NEVER wear a mask again?

NOW! what if THAT! is exactly what #TheFew were hoping for? What If! The plan was to get us all so riled up about wearing masks the We would NEVER wear a mask AGAIN? ….. Now! – What IF! – Those chemicals falling from the sky NEED to be breathed IN! To have the desired affect of causing – ‘The Mental Health Pandemic/Wokeism’ – Plus! – Cancers/heart disease, lung disease, strokes, infertility etc; etc: that will take out Humanity over the next 15 years or so?
Also, as a side-note – How many of You know of family/friends who have complained of breathlessness lately? – Ask around – You will be surprised.
Formerly, really healthy, fit people of all ages, are becoming more and more breathless after relatively little exercise, but no lung disease is showing up in tests. – Strange? – Or What! ?

If you were #TheFew – You wouldn’t want the World Population wearing MASKS would You? Otherwise your PLAN would become null and void!

AH YES! – ‘The Rat-Trap’ …. OH! You can SEE IT NOW!! – Congratulations!
Wake-Up! … Look UP! … Read the REST of this Blog for MORE Awakenings!

