The HiJack Of Innocence


We are seeing innocent words from pre – 1970 Dictionairies being Hijacked by sinister forces trying to Socially Hypnotise the world into believing their views are the correct views, and these sinister/dark forces do NOT have the Human Race held in any kind of respect. We are simply commodities to be used and abused by these billionaires who have NO conscience, morals or ethics…… #TheAlphabetMafia ….. #TheChurchOfThePoisonedMinds ….

The word progressive is a very devious term. It’s been re-created as a substitute for communist. What they propose is the reverse of progress.

The word gay was a word that was a male and female christian name. It was also an expression of happiness – “He’s a gay bachelor” – “They had a gay old time at the seaside” – “It’s a gay day today”. If You are a Baby-Boomer You will recognise these expressions and you will feel frustrated that the word has now LOST all of it’s innocence.

The word rainbow is another word that expressed hope, beauty, dream, a wish. It was enjoyed by children especially, and used throughout nurseries and schools the world over for it’s positive, uplifting feeling they got from seeing or reading about rainbows. It is now a symbol for the homosexual communities around the world. Certainly NOT what the word was intended for, and the Dark Forces took advantage of the ONCE Minority community – And ABUSED it – (For their OWN GOOD of course)

The now GAY Communities will have No Idea just HOW they have been used in the Divide & Conquer Agenda of #TheFew & #TheDarkAngels. They have been betrayed by the very people they THOUGHT had their backs. But in 2023 they are now beginning to realise with the onslaught of the ‘Gender Divide’.

The Unicorn has also been Hi-Jacked for the very same reason. To draw the innocents into the Sinister World of ‘The Few’ and ‘The Dark Angels’.

Now let’s talk about the word Pronoun shall We?

Pro Noun – Mr, Mrs, Ms, Sir, Madame, Lord, lady, Your Majesty ….. Do I NEED to go on? … Of course not. That! Is exactly what the word Pronoun describes. But NO! #TheFew & #TheDarkAngels have decided that the pronoun is simply a word to identify our Gender, and that we can have as many genders as we LIKE! – Also that we can choose that gender without ANY confirmation other than Ourselves. Not only THAT!! But we can be ‘held Account’ for Mis-Gendering any FOOL who deems to be Professionally Offended in some way because they were …. WAIT for it! ….. Offended.

I’ve no doubt there will be Screeeeams of Homophobic! Transphobic! etc – Directed towards this article by the Professionally Offended, The Woke And the PC brigade, but they will be WRONG!

This article is being written to warn the innocents, the victims and the fast asleep in this world WHY and HOW the hijacking of popular words by the Sinister Forces is turning our world inside-out and upside-down so that we are all Soooo Confused that we’ll believe ‘anything’ that they tell us in future whether it be TRUE or a LIE! – But believe Me – Most of what we’re being told – and WILL be told in the future – will be LIES!

Books are being re-written in 2023 on the pretence that WE could be offended. It has nothing to do with that. It’s so that our children will be fed ONLY the versions that #TheFew & #TheDarkAngels WANT them to be fed. Indoctrination through the whole of the modern education Systems throughout the world is now an unstoppable runaway train. (It Seems).

Unless! We wake-up, smell the coffee, and say “ENOUGH – IS – ENOUGH!!” ….. To – #TheAlphabetMafia ….. #TheChurchOfThePoisonedMinds ….

You must also have realised how the WOKE Movement/Religion has infested Hollywood, Disney, and virtually ALL of the ‘MSM/Main Stream Media’ lately? There is NO escaping it. Watership Down, Alice In Wonderland, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory etc etc, once happy, beautiful Children’s stories turned into films, now Re-Made in a Very DARK, SINISTER WAY! – Do You think that’s coincidence? It’s most certainly NOT!

Look around at virtually ALL of Your Netflix – Disney – Amazon Prime, FreeView TV channels …

There are very DARK messages being fed to You every time You turn them on! … Your Children are the most vulnerable as they won’t be anything like aware! …. Some Adults ARE! But nowhere near enough sadly.

I could go On & On battering You with examples to prove my points here … But I’d suggest you go to the Blog at and check out the numerous blog posts/articles there.

(Especially The Human Survival Blueprint)

They are short, like this one, so you’re not being asked to give up too much time. But however long you DO give up, it will be time well spent.