Do You Still Have Your B-dar


Now before we get started:

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it’s only right that we acknowledge there are some pretty ‘gifted’ people in the world.

There are Magicians who can naturally trick our mind into believing whatever they want us to believe.

There are Hypnotists that can also control our minds with ever-increasing accuracy.

We have Masters in the Dark-Art of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming/NLP and Subliminal Messaging.

We also have Psychics who can apparently see into the future as well as contact the Dead for us.

Then we have the Paranormal Beings who can practice ‘Remote Viewing’ with extraordinary accuracy, can move physical objects using just the power of their Mind, can affect electrical/mechanical equipment/appliances with just their mind and the list goes on.

Now we also have, on a lighter note what many call their ‘GayDar’, where they apparently have this inbuilt ability to ‘tell’ if another person is ‘Gay’ or NOT! It may be a genuine natural ability, it may not. BUT! It is universally accepted these days that the phenomenon is very real and is ‘practised’ all the time.

OKAY! …. Now we get to the Meat of this Blog Post; (The ‘B’dar’)

What on Earth is THAT?? –  You Say”

It’s your inbuilt ‘Bull-Sh*t-Radar’ which you should train your mind to activate every time you read ‘anything’ in the National/International Media/Press, especially if it’s Political because ONE thing you CAN be sure of; – Everything Politicians Tell The Press is without doubt ‘Bull-Sh&t’.

Now people, Please #WakeUp – Don’t be #Sheeple for the rest of your lives roaming aimlessly through ‘The Journey Of Life’ accepting ‘all’ you read as the Truth!

On Social Media, Question ‘Everything’,  especially if it has an ‘ism’ or a ‘card’ attached to it. If you’re being asked to ‘agree’ with a supposedly ‘positive’ remark, check it out FIRST! … Not later down the road when you know you should have ‘thought’ a bit deeper. Also remember that ‘Weaponised Words’ like AntiSemetist, Racist, Sexist, Homophobe and Transphobe etc, etc, etc;  Are all used to suck you in t thinking that you’re ‘doing right’ by agreeing and re-distributing their LIES!

Get your B’dar working and KEEP it on HIGH-ALERT!! at all times.

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Just a thought ….. Be sure to ‘share’ this page before you move on to other Posts/Pages on this Readi-Bay blog 🙂


…… Tell The WORLD You DO Have A B’dar ……

