Do Women Need Protection From Men?


Now there’s an awful lot of ‘Bull****ery’ flying about now denouncing MEN as the Arch-Enemy of Women. Apparently a Woman/Young Lady/Girl can’t live a normal life now – they have to live it in FEAR of every Man they come across.

Now, does that mean their Father, Brother, Partner, Boss, Son even? ….. well in very RARE cases I’m sure that applies, but in the VAST Majority of cases it’s obviously NOT the case. Now you probably know this already, but you know those Blokes you see all around you?

Well, believe it or NOT! They are ALL just Fathers, Brothers, Partners, Bosses, Sons etc; etc; and they are NOT! A Danger to ANY Woman/Girl/Young Lady, in fact it’s usually the complete Opposite!

I’m old enough to remember the days when virtually ALL Women were put on pedestals by MOST Men/Young Men/Boys (In the Western World that is) and we were ‘taught’ from a very early age to ‘respect’ the opposite sex. Which, in the most part, we did. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, as in every part of any society, but generally speaking, that respect was a ‘given’.

Yes, there were whistles, wolf-whistles, general ‘chatting-up’ at pubs, parks, work, in fact everywhere, and generally in a complimentery way that ‘most’ girls found flattering ….. It’s called ‘Human Nature’ – You know, that attraction between the genders that has sustained Humanity (Up until Modern times) but STILL the Female almost ‘always’ held the cards/permissions/access and ‘most’ lads, boys, men could take a hint.

On the other side of the coin most Males would be Polite to Females. Opening doors, holding out chairs, letting the female jump in front of us while waiting to pay at tills etc; etc; But NO! That was somehow ‘Out-Lawed’ by the Liberal/Feminist Movement that saw ALL Men as ‘The Opposition’ when we were simply the ‘Opposite’. But don’t worry about that – After all, WHY let a good Political LIE get in the way of the Truth! ? ….. Men are made to feel like a Pariah whenever they try to be Polite! And at the very worst – Verbally Attacked!! For showing consideration towards the Female Of The Species.

I’d like to share just ONE little story here if I may. It was a Sunday morning, I was heading for the paper-shop when two young ladies approached me to ask for a cigarette. I told them politely that I didn’t smoke, so then one of them asked if I could give them the Money to buy some. I refused and walked on thinking that was it. – How Wrong was I! ? …. One of them Screamed!! at the top of her voice accusing me of being a Pervert, to keep my Grubby Hands OFF of Her! And a continual RANT until I got inside the shop. Luckily, it was a Sunday morning, not too many folk about, but I STILL wonder if ‘any’ of those On-Lookers actually THOUGHT there was something to the Screaming and shouting ?? ….. After All – No Smoke Without Fire – RIGHT! ?

Seeing as how that event took place in a town centre street, and if it had been busier, I wonder if some ‘Well-Meaning’ individuals might have jumped on Me, held Me to the ground while someone else phoned the Police to arrest Me – JUST on the perceived reactions of those Girls? …. It’s a very worrying state of affairs, and ONE which you should consider while BRANDING All Men a Danger!

So Please don’t assume that because a ‘Politically Inspired’ Group of Women who are calling for ALL MEN to be Monitored, Curfewed, Freedoms Restricted to ‘protect’ ALL WOMEN from us Men that THAT is how things ARE! …. That is SO FAR from the Truth you DO Wonder how ANY right-thinking person could Possibly believe it. But they DO! And it’s all down to Subliminal Messaging/Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) via the Press/Media/SocialMedia …. Good, Honest people are having their MINDS Manipulated by those who have Mastered these Arts and Ladies/Young Ladies/Girls are falling Sub-Consciously into their Evil GRASP!

We really do need to get BACK to Normality. Where kids played together irrespective of their gender, and Teenagers/Adults could say what they liked to each other without fear of causing offence, and where ‘Boy meets Girl’ in the most natural environments.

As it IS – Our Species – The Human Race is under extreme PRESSURE and it will NOT Survive if we carry on down this route.

MEN are NOT the enemy, or the Danger to Women ….. It is the ‘Force’ of the Liberal, Left, Feminist, Socialist, Communist movements that have High-Jacked the Minds of So Many Women – And Some MEN as well, believe it or NOT! …

If you really want to see just HOW similar we all are to each other,  just watch how Girls/Ladies act on a Ladies Night Out/Hen-Do where Male Strippers are involved. Please don’t accuse Men of being the Predaters. Also watch the various ‘Reality Shows’ where the ‘Gentler Species’ can be observed in their natural habitat. I would in fact argue that Females are far ‘more’ pradatory than Males. Not that I’m complaining, after all it’s just Nature at work. The very Nature that Certain Groups of ‘HateWarriors’ are trying their damnest to Erradicate!

Politicians in VERY HIGH Positions of POWER are promoting this AGENDA! – Think About IT! – WHY! ?? …. Look Around You … Please Wake-Up! … Use your Common-Sense – Look at your OWN Family members and ‘remember’ – Every Man out there has a family of their own, and unless they are psychologically damaged (Male & Female) they are NOT a Danger to anyone – Period!!

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