A Smart Phone Photography Cash Cow

A Smart-Phone Photography Cash-Cow

Copyright – P. Moring © 2014

This E-Book Is Presented By;


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The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, not withstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of research in this field.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgement about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly.


You do not have re-publishing or re-sell rights, this E-book is for personal use only.


The Smart-Phone Photography Cash-Cow 1


The Cash-Cow In Your Pocket: 3

How To Milk That Cash-Cow In Your Pocket: 4

How To – Promote the Bejeezus out of it: 5

Make Every Photo Count: 6

Street Art Photography Tips: 7

Why Would We Think It OK To Use Our Smart-Phones? 9

So – How to play into the strengths of
The Smart-Phone camera? 10

The – ‘Turn Your Photo’s Into Cash’ – Blog. 13



The Cash-Cow In Your Pocket:

Ok, most of us have one and we seldom go anywhere without it, it even goes with us into the toilet and sits by our bedside at night within arms reach
(just in case) ,,,,,, Our mobile phone is like an extension of our own personality, everything goes on there, gets done on there, and gets saved on there. If that phone goes missing or gets broken in some way, we’re likely to have a mini-meltdown ,,,,, Correct?

So ,,,,, If our mobile phone is Soooo valuable to us, why wouldn’t we decide to make it pay it’s way in the form of a regular cash income? And believe it or not, it’s so easy to do and to set up that you’ll literally kick yourself for not thinking about it sooner. But don’t worry, you’ve got this handy little E-book that will tell you exactly ‘how’ you can do just that utilizing your camera on your mobile phone.

For instance; you must realise just how many blogs, websites, social media accounts like Facebook etc are set up every day for both business and personal use. There are literally hundreds of thousands every day, and that’s without the Millions of Blog-Posts that get written and published daily. And this is where ‘You’ come in.

You see, ‘You’ have something that ALL of these people need and want. Something that most are more than willing to PAY you for in hard cash into your Bank account. You have photographic images that aren’t already the property of some large photographic agency like ‘Getty Images’ for example, where they have to pay serious money to be able to use those photo’s and then on top of that, there are usually too many ‘conditions of use’ tagged along with their purchase.

Now while you might think no-one but you would be at all interested in your images, you’d be seriously ‘wrong’! Your images are exactly what people want. They’re fresh to the market, your buyers can crop out the bits they want to use, and they can play around and use them in whatever way they wish. Your photo’s are a Webmaster or Bloggers dream come true, and YES! They are quite happy to pay you for your pic’s that will otherwise just sit on your phone or computer, maybe Facebook or Instagram etc too, but either way, those photo’s aren’t earning you any money at all, when they could be producing a residual income for you ,,,,,,, for years to come 🙂

How To Milk That Cash-Cow In Your Pocket:

Firstly; you might want to set up an account with one of the many online photographic agencies if you want to do this in the ‘hands-off’ way. In other words if you just want to take the photographs, load them up onto the website of whichever agency you choose, then sit back and wait for people to see your images and then click-to-buy, that’s the best and easiest option.

You’ve doubtless heard of www.istockphoto.com who are probably the most prominent agency on the net today. There are many others of course, and all you’ll need to do is ‘Google’ the term “Sell Photos Online” and you’ll be faced with as many choices as you can handle. Most are Free to join and all will complete the transactions on your behalf, giving you your commission cheque each month, or paid directly into your Paypal or Bank account at your request (If you’ve earned the minimum requirement of course)

On the other hand, you could set your own website up, choose an ‘Agency’ theme to go with, and set your very own terms and conditions, then you just have to upload your images and – ‘Promote the Bejeezus out of it’ 😉

Get your domain from GoDaddy.com, Your hosting from Hostgator.com and you’re ready to get your WordPress site (included in the Hostgator package) up and running, all for less than $15- usually.
If you’re not sure how you’d go about this, your old friend Youtube.com will give you all the instruction you can handle.
Just ‘ask’ in the search bar and there are loads of instructional videos for GoDaddy and Hostgator as well as how to build your WordPress site/blog.

Whichever way you go, one thing is for certain;
You WILL need to;
promote – promote – promote 😉

How To – Promote the Bejeezus out of it:

You’ll want the World and their Auntie to know about your photographic images that you have for sale, and you’ll want them to tell others about your images too, but don’t worry, there’s nothing too hard about this and it can all be done for ‘Free!’ – especially as we’ve got Twitter,/X, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google etc, all clamouring for us to share our videos and our images to their ever-growing audiences, and who are WE to deny them 🙂

If you’re a little bit astute, then you’ll be wondering ‘why’ have I left Pinterest out of the list above? That’s because Pinterest is your Key to unlocking the potential of your ‘Cash-Cow-Photography’.
It thrives on images and it encourages you to state ‘where’ the photograph was sourced from, and that is your cue to insert the link from either your own website, or the page on iStock.com (
or wherever) that they can see the image and potentially ‘buy’ that image.

Everyone who visits Pinterest and wishes to Re-Pin an image onto their own boards are ‘also encouraged’ to share that image with all of the other social network sites (
above & + some) helping it to go viral 🙂

Webmasters and Bloggers use Pinterest Religiously to source their images, because if you don’t know already, you can type any subject/niche` into the Pinterest search bar and you can browse through 1,000’s of images associated with that niche` or subject matter. If your image has received plenty of views, it will be near the top of those search pages, so it will be in your own interest to share your Pinterest ‘Pin’ with as many friends/followers as you can via social media sites. If you’re not already signed up to them, then get your skates on and start building your following NOW!

As you know, Instagram is ‘The! social network site to share your pic’s these days. But did you know that there is a proven way to use Instagram to make a lot of money for you from those images?

Make Every Photo Count:

If you’re like most people, you’ll happily snap away at many of the things you see, and with the inclusion of the ‘Rolling Shutter Effect’ on most smart Phones it’s becoming more easy to get that ‘perfect’ shot, identify it quickly, and then save it to your phone (or save them all for even more effective options including comic-strip presentations ). This is not necessarily a bad thing because photo’s taken on the hoof can prove really interesting in their own way and also look very natural and appealing.

Have you ever used the various app’s or computer software to change or enhance your photo’s?
Do you look at the image you’re going to take in the first place to see if you could maybe frame it better?

Would you know how to get a better angle or better subject inclusion for a more perfect pic?

These are all things that, unless we’re trained in some way in photography, we wouldn’t really consider while we’re snapping away. But if the end game is to make a reliable residual income from our photo’s then maybe we should find out more about how to take a ‘perfect picture’, large or small, and how to embellish or enhance our images so that they appear more desirable to those looking for images to put on their websites, blogs, e-books etc.

Before you load your images onto a website for sale, you’ll want to get them sorted first and then be putting your very best examples up first so that when potential buyers see your images they’ll see a portfolio of good, well organised and very useful pictures that they can use very easily and therefore make money from also. After all, that’s the end-game that we all have in mind.
There are many Free E-courses on Youtube, and by utilising some of those you’ll be putting yourself head and shoulders above many of your competition who are just ‘winging it’ with the snaps they take and loading them up more in hope than in confident anticipation.

You have invested a small amount of time for this E-book which I really hope is proving helpful. But don’t stop there, because for a little bit more investment time in your own future, you could set yourself up for life, not just as a part-time, casual photographer, but as a serious contender who is more than prepared to take it to the big-boys in the photography world ‘And WIN!’

Street Art Photography Tips:

Tip 1: Leave your phone on standby;

Have you ever come across a situation where you see an interesting scene in the street and desperately want to shoot it but the picture goes missing while you turn on your phone and wait for the photography APP to open?
YEP! – Opportunity will ‘not’ wait for you.

I usually leave my Phone in ‘photography mode’, it’s then easy for me to unlock the phone screen and immediately start shooting at any time, it means I seldom miss the pictures I want to shoot in the street.

Tip 2: Stabilise your smart-phone;

It sounds obvious, but if you don’t stabilise it you’ll get the following issue:

You will find that the main body of the photo looks fuzzy on the small screen of the phone. This will affect the final picture, so you should always stabilise your phone (where possible) when shooting, especially in low-light conditions.

Tip 3: Make good use of your headphones;

If you have a headset ‘voice activation button’ you can also use that as a shutter, sometimes you don’t want to disturb the object/person that you want to shoot in your street photography, so you can pretend you’re listening to music or talking on the phone, therefore letting you take your photographs discretely. It also allows you to reduce the vibration when you press the shutter button or accidentally touch the phone screen.

Tip 4: Lock The Aperture;

Some APPS functionality includes the locking of the aperture and focal length. I personally like the aperture lock function, natural light on the street is very random, locking the aperture allows me to better control the light. It can not only give proper exposure to the photo, but it also allows me to take different atmospherical shots in the same lighting conditions.

Tip 5: Just shooting;

Never hesitate when taking street photographs, those natural scenes on the street seldom appear a second time. If you don’t like the photo, you can always delete it, but you absolutely cannot let a street scene slip you by. Therefore, if your instincts guide you to shoot, then you shoot, just don’t hesitate. Using the Rolling Shutter Effect can also be ‘so’ helpful here.

Tip 6: Foreknowledge;

You never know what will happen in the streets. The ability to predict is not always present, so use your powers of observation to determine how interesting scenarios ‘might’ occur.

Tip 7: Charge your battery before going out;

I usually take an external battery with me during my street photography jaunts. A fatal flaw of many Phones is the power endurance. So, please remember not to go out shooting until ‘after’ the battery is fully charged, unless of course you have a fully charged back-up battery.

Tip 8: Waiting;

Scenes on the street are random and sporadic, but sometimes you can “create” the narrative of the screen. For example, waiting for someone to walk through/past an interesting movie poster, or waiting for a group of people to walk across a pedestrian crossing in unison for example. Street photography is not just holding a cell phone or a camera aimlessly looking for targets in the streets, you should always just stop and observe, maybe it will help you shoot your next masterpiece.

Why Would We Think It OK To Use Our Smart-Phones?

It’s easy to dismiss our Smart-Phone cameras, after all, they are hidden in plain sight and right there every time we “slide to unlock” our phones.

So you can’t take any “real” pictures with them, right?

Perhaps you’re one of the many photographers who think that it’s not a “real” camera and that, to get the best images photographically you really need to lug around a giant DSLR complete with all of the lenses you can fit into your pack.

Even Ansel Adams had to use a mule to carry his camera gear at one point, right? So how could something so small and easy to use ‘actually’ take acceptable images?

Well, Smart-Phone cameras, photography, and optics in general, have changed over the years. Gone are the days of needing large camera equipment – camera manufacturers and modern optics have dictated that we are now doing more with less. Combine that with the notion that a seasoned photographer will know how to make best use of equipment, whatever equipment he or she has available, and you have a recipe for some great images.

Sure, it’s great to have a DSLR available, and most Smart-Phone photographers will still have one at their disposal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t also take some great images and make some lasting artwork with your new little buddy, the Smart-Phone camera.

As a working photographer, I play to the strengths of ‘all’ of my equipment. In the past, large format cameras gave me crisp, highly detailed images, but they were heavy and hard to work with in tight situations.

Likewise, 35mm cameras were great for shooting street scenes because they allowed the photographer to go unnoticed in the urban jungle.

Medium format cameras offered a compromise of sorts-they offered large enough negatives so that we could retouch images but in a smaller, easy to carry package.

Polaroid’s gave us instant results, so these were often used to test lighting, but then their colour gamut helped turn them into a funky alternative to “straight” shooting.

Now the Smart-Phone cameras have come along and opened up some amazing new possibilities.

The Smart-Phone is portable, easy to use, easy to hide, and not as scary as a “real” camera. The structure of the phone makes the camera easy to angle. If you want to take a picture of the undercarriage of your car, for example, good luck trying to get an 8×10 view camera down there, but, a Smart-Phone? Yes, you can easily hold it and tilt it to get the right camera angle. Also, the convenience of deleting images you don’t like is offered along with easy access to sharing your photo’s with the Internet and social media sites such as Facebook.

Try taking an image using an 8×10 view camera from ‘Shot-to-Facebook’ in under a few minutes – that’s not likely to happen really, but of course, the results will probably be very different. So, if it’s large crisp negatives you’re after, you’ll probably want to pass on the Smart-Phone camera anyway, but you can still use it to work on the angles and get some shots that otherwise would not be available to you as a photographer with the more clumbersome state-of-the-art DSLR cameras.

So – How to play into the strengths of
The Smart-Phone camera?

Well for starters, it’s easy to hold and it fits in your pocket. If you’re one of those photographers who would benefit from shooting a lot more and reviewing your results more easily, the Smart-Phone can come in very handy here. You should definitely think about adding one to your camera bag if you haven’t already.

The Smart-Phone camera is also easy to get away with. Because so many people have iPhones and Smart-Phones in general, some establishments that would otherwise ban photography might allow you to get away with taking Smart-Phone images.

Supposing you’ve always wanted to take images inside a theatre for example. This is not the kind of place you would be able to sneak in a camera, probably not even a DSLR, but most folks walk right in with their Smart-Phone in tow, so you have access into an otherwise restricted subject or area with a high resolution, multi-functional, real digital camera.

I’m not suggesting you compromise nuclear secrets here or anything quite like that, but this is something you can make the most of, especially in places like restaurants, theatres, stores, and the like. You’re less likely to be evicted, ejected, or otherwise removed if the only camera you’re carrying is actually a phone.

The “easy to get away with” feature doesn’t just stop at location though. Certain subjects are far more likely to open up to the Smart-Phone camera. Since most people have Smart-Phones themselves, they are less likely to be apprehensive about having their picture taking with a mobile phone camera.

This can make for great portraits and make it easier to take spontaneous images. Try doing that with a larger camera.

Whichever type of camera you choose to use is obviously your personal choice, but please don’t underestimate the ‘Earning POWER’ of digital photography. And how you can very easily make a great residual income doing something you’re already doing anyway.

P.S. Maybe you’re thinking to yourself that this is a pretty short book and that you were expecting a whole lot more content for your money.
Well, that’s a reasonable thought I suppose. But rather than overwhelm you with useless ‘filler’ content like most ‘How-To’ Books/Manuals/Reports do, I thought I’d just give you the simple, straight-forward method that 1,000’s of people just like you are using daily to make a very healthy income for themselves.

It ‘is’ a simple concept and you don’t need to get overwhelmed by unnecessary information overload. So re-read this short E-book and inwardly digest it. Your sub-conscious mind will kick in and probably kick you in the butt too to get you motivated and moving on, putting all of this good advice into action as soon as possible.

Now – just in case you ‘are’ looking to overwhelm yourself with information of ‘every kind’ imaginable 😉

Please visit https://readi-bay.com

Enjoy your journey through the ‘Labyrinth’ won’t you?

Good Luck – Pete Moring 🙂

This Book Is Presented By


The ‘Brown Crusader’ and His ‘Juliet Darling’ Plot Communist Dream.

The article below was written in 2008, and while it never came to fruition because of the Financial Meltdown that followed in the UK we can confirm by the way the Tories are ‘pushing’ us into another political meltdown with their Austerity, Homelessness, NHS ideaology and Brexit (to name just a few ideals) is that it’s a FACT that it matters ‘not’ which Party is governing us that there ‘is’ a Deep-State Government actually pulling the strings ……. It’s now July 2024 And Labour/Momentum are back in power – Keir Starmer is the ‘Face’ of the Prime Minister running things in the UK – Or So You THINK! – In fact, those ‘running’ the Country/Nation and pulling Mr Flippy-Floppy’s strings are the Old Firm – Gordon Brown & Tony Blair …… Just a thought ……. Enjoy 🙂


Dear Brown – C.  He’s lived a wonderfully eventful life filled with dreams of one day being able to steer his beloved United – Kingdom into the waiting arms of his passionate Communist Masters. But would Romeo ever find his Juliet to accompany him on his journey of ‘epiphany’?

In 1997 he saw his vision. The path opened up for him. He could see his Masters waiting, beckoning him forward into the ‘light’. He was transfixed. He had a ‘purpose’ in life at last and nothing was going to get in his way. That beautiful ‘ideal’ that he so fell in love with while studying at University, had presented itself to him at last. (Always the bridesmaid. Never the bride).

The path that he saw so vividly though, was strewn with obstacles and challenges. He had to battle through these trials and find his Juliet before entering the ‘Holy Grail’ of Communism.

First, he had to find a warrior. A fearless but ‘stupid man’ who would go before him. Slaying the dragons and beasties that would try to ‘stop’ him from reaching his dream. This warrior was a patsy called Blair Warrior. He was brave. He would do ‘all’ of Brown – C’s fighting and killing for him, and would be faithful at all times.

While the ‘Blair Warrior’ forged ahead along the winding, twisting path to Utopia, Brown – C could lay the foundations for his ‘Communist Masters’ who had promised him all of the riches of the world he desired. Riches were Brown – C’s speciality, which is why his first prize that the Blair Warrior won for him was the most valuable prize he could find. Complete and utter control of the UK economy.

Once Brown – C had the economy in his sweaty little chubby hands, he could start to unravel it without anyone seeing him. He would spend many long, cold, lonely nights, worshiping his ‘Masters’
and creating ‘illusions’ that would re-direct the glares and stares of anyone who might have reason to doubt his intentions.

The first illusion was that of a growing economy. The UK finances were in very good shape thanks to the major re-construction of our economic values. People were earning money. They were saving. They were buying their homes instead of renting, and affluence was being taken for granted. But! It all came at a price, and many of the UK’s citizens became ungrateful, so became very easy prey for the Warrior Blair to capture and enslave as Brown – C’s ‘Worker Drones’. Doing all of his bidding at the click of his fingers.

Brown – C, being Scottish, had a sharp mind when it came to money. He knew that the best way to ‘lose’ money, was to gamble with it. Then when you’d lost it, you would borrow more and more of the stuff until you were ‘ruined’. Open then to control and manipulation by the seediest members of the human race and beyond.

Gordon’s eye was set firmly on his Holy Grail and ‘nothing’ was now going to stop him. So he set about dismantling the British economy by gambling with our money, losing it, and then borrowing more to fill the black holes he was continually digging.

Not content with driving the British economy into muddy waters, he then compounded it all by getting the Blair Warrior to encourage us ALL to start the gambling and borrowing cycle so that we’d also be driven to the point of exhaustion and civil unrest.

We were all offered extraordinary buying power. Credit was FREE!

Mortgages were on tap for anyone and everyone to ‘gamble’ with in the property market. The prizes were very high for the winners. But as with all gambling, there are always far more ‘losers’ than winners, but the carrot was dangled by the Blair Warrior and many people tried to eat it. Sadly, all they got was the bitter after-taste of defeat and loss.

Businesses were encouraged to borrow relentlessly to expand. They were taken on and beaten by the Blair Warrior who informed them all that the ‘good times’ were coming. That ‘The only way was UP!’ (Yes, ‘up’ to no good, Blair Warrior). For a long time businesses were being ‘fed’ as much credit as they could handle. While at the same time, having it ‘usurped’ through stealth – taxes. Rising fuel costs, and red tape that would cost those businesses many man-hours to accommodate. Slowly bringing many to their knees and ‘begging’ for more of the same.

Of course, the Blair Warrior would deflect the accusations from savvy business folk towards our other Masters within the European Union. They were an easy target. Not democratically elected, and certainly not answerable to ‘anyone at all’. That was Brown – C’s trump card. He could get away with ‘anything’ if he could get the Blair Warrior to deflect everything in ‘that’ direction.

For Ten Years Brown – C got the Blair Warrior to fight all of his battles, while he systematically dismantled the British economy. At the end of ten years he was ready. The Blair Warrior could now be released from his duties. Rewarded with ‘respectability’ that he’d certainly ‘not’ earned, and very high residual incomes that couldn’t be affected by inflation or economic collapse.

It was now the Brown – Crusader’s turn to inflict the final ‘thrust’ of the deadly sword into the heart of the British way of life. No more democracy. No more self control. We were now ready, trussed up, and ready to be handed to his ‘Masters’ that he fell so in love with all those years ago. His Juliet appeared as the lovely (if not rather slimy) Juliet Darling. Brown – C handed him the Golden Chalice which was, the British economy, and between them, held the deadly sword together and ‘plunged’ it into all of our hearts.

Brown – C and his Juliet Darling are set to run into the arms of their Communist Masters (the Holy Grail) and reap their rewards for having overcome all of the challenges set before them at the start of their wonderful journey.


Just ‘think’ about it for just a minute – Let your  B’dar  get to work and you’ll see that this article is/was very Prophetic …………..

MLM – The Reasons It Succeeds


Well Now! – I reckon a lot of you visiting this post will have come with a pocket-full of doubt. – MLM ?? – Isn’t that PONZI Schemes, Chain-Letters, Defrauding and Bothering Friends & Family? etc; etc;

Well NO! – That’s the line Governments World-Wide have pushed through the MSM/Main-Stream-Media for years now. The same way that they’ve pushed the lie that ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ is a legitimate term to describe people who expose the ‘Truth!’ that governments worldwide don’t want the public to know about.

For instance, all governments use a PONZI Scheme to draw taxes from the public and businesses. They dress it up in jargon designed to NOT be understood by the ‘common-man’, but nevertheless they do use the ponzi-scheme to attract money that they have NO desire to pay back.

A Ponzi scheme is a type of investment fraud that lures investors by promising high returns with little or no risk. The scheme pays earlier investors with the capital contributed by newer investors, rather than from profit earned by the operation of a legitimate business. As more people are drawn into the scheme, the organizer uses their investments to pay returns to the earlier investors, creating the illusion of a profitable enterprise.

Here are some key characteristics of a Ponzi scheme:

  1. Promise of High Returns with Little Risk: Ponzi schemes often attract investors by promising unusually high returns on investments with little or no risk. These promises are typically unrealistic and unsustainable.
  2. Consistent Returns: Regardless of market conditions, Ponzi schemes typically promise and deliver consistent returns to investors, further convincing them of the scheme’s legitimacy.
  3. Lack of Transparency: The investment strategy and the business model of a Ponzi scheme are often vague, complex, or secretive. Investors may not be provided with clear, accurate information about how their money is being invested.
  4. Difficulty Receiving Payments: As the scheme progresses, it may become increasingly difficult for investors to withdraw their money or receive their returns. Organizers might provide excuses or create delays to prevent investors from cashing out.
  5. Collapse: Ponzi schemes rely on a constant influx of new investors to pay returns to earlier investors. Eventually, the scheme collapses when it becomes difficult to recruit new investors or when a large number of existing investors attempt to cash out simultaneously.

The term “Ponzi scheme” is named after Charles Ponzi, who orchestrated a fraudulent investment scheme in the early 20th century involving international postal reply coupons. Ponzi promised investors high returns by trading these coupons, but he was actually using the money from new investors to pay off earlier ones, creating the illusion of a successful business.

You may well say; That’s nothing like the taxation system that governments use. We’re not investors, we HAVE to PAY whether We like it or NOT!
YES! we DO! …. But taxes are ‘sold’ to us on the pretext of; “You give US a proportion of your earnings or profits and in return We’ll look after ‘everything’ for You. Roads, Education, Health, Food Supplies, National Security, etc; etc; All You! have to do is earn a wage, start a business, live the life you please, and WE! the Government will do everything for you in return for that small  Investment as a percentage of your earnings/profits”.

Sounds like a GREAT Investment to Me!  🙂

Of course! Recently we’re hearing in 2024 that America now ‘owes’ so many Trillions of Dollars and that it will NEVER! be able to pay back the Loans it has taken out to Prop-up the Initial Investment by the Public/Business Taxes, and the NATION could face Bankruptcy. The UK is in a similar position. As is ALL of the other Nations who use the Taxing method to run the country. The chickens are coming home to roost. With WAR being the next resort to regenerate the funds so desperately needed via Arms Deals and Re-Construction work on Devastated Towns, Cities, Communities over areas Destroyed! In the process of War!

Now let’s look at the Chain-Letters shall We? – Us Baby-Boomers remember well the chain-letter phenomenon. We could send out ten letters (or more) to random folk or friends and family, who would then replicate the action after first paying the persons (Usually 4 or 5 – $£1- each who SENT them the invitation) a pre-determined fee for the privilege. The power of Geometric Progression ensured a great return on our small investment if a good proportion joined in. We were regularly pleased with the results. A really good way to earn an extra income when times were hard back in the 50’s – 70’s. and of course! There’s the much publicised version of events where Henry Ford actually used the Chain-Letter phenomenon to raise funds to GROW Ford back in the early days.

SADLY! the governments didn’t much like ‘The Common Man’ becoming fairly rich in a relatively short amount of time and feared the rise of ‘The Nouveau Riche’ who were entering politics and spoiling their money-hoover cartel’s. So they made Chain-Letters Illegal – To ‘protect’ us ALL from the fraudulent Ponzi-Type-Scheme. Of course, the Sheeple sucked-it-up and accepted it.

Because MLM was very similar to the chain-letter method of wealth generation, folk started calling it a ‘Pyramid Scheme’ – A Ponzi-Scheme’ – a ‘Chain-Letter Scam’ .. All promoted through the MSM as though it was FACT!
Thus! MLM or Network Marketing as it’s now known as, still gets a regular bashing from those who can’t see the wood-for-the-trees.

If TRUTH be told – MLM is ‘the’ perfect marketing tool, where anyone, from anywhere, from any walk-of-life, educated or NOT! – It simply doesn’t matter, can make a very good living as MLM/Network Marketing is used in EVERY BUSINESS! …. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Tesla, Facebook, Uber, ALL! Social Media Platforms, Religions, Banks, – YES! BANKS! – (Referral Incentives) – They ALL followed Jesus – who used it by telling his disciples “Go Forth And Multiply – Spread My Message Far And Wide” – And they DID! Very successfully too! Using the Power of Geometric Progression – MLM!

Now I expect you’re waiting for me to Flog you a Network-Marketing Programme where You’ll Definitely! Make Your Fortune! In return for little-or-NO-work! … Sorry! – No such luck – You need to do Your OWN due diligence if You are interested in securing Your financial future using MLM. (Ask Mr Google) But it WILL be worth it if You work consistently, ethically and morally. Good Luck – And You might like to check out My ‘Merch Shop‘ if you liked this Post – And Please ‘Share’ and ‘comment’ before You GO! 🙂


The Great British Bake-Off Joins The Obesity War.

The Great British Bake-Off  has enjoyed ‘massive success’ both here in the UK and apparently Worldwide too thanks mainly to the internet.
That being said, you would think that society would see through the veil of ‘Subliminal Marketing’ and ‘NLP’ to realise that it’s just another ploy to get us to ‘keep on eating’ and get more and more obese as we do.

It’s simply NO coincidence that the HUGE rise in Obesity and the equally spiraling production of ‘foodie’ shows on our TV screens run side-by-side. We can’t turn on the telly at ‘any’ time of the day now without being pummeled with show-after-show about FOOD. That’s without the constant advertising literally ‘shoving food down our throats’ during almost ‘every’ commercial break.

WHY is the food industry being allowed to get away with this constant ATTACK on our senses? Destroying our ‘health’ and often our ‘quality of life’ in exchange for the ‘gratification’ of FOOD?

For More Common-Sense visit   readi-bay.com 

Think about it; Fat people develop health issues and illnesses far easier, like diabetes, heart disease, painful joints, etc, etc.

NOW! ….. Who benefits financially from people with poor health? … YES! …. The Pharmaceutical Industry of course, the MOST powerful lobbyists on the ‘World Political Stage’ with a handle on astronomical Funds and above all POWER!

So, do you think the media/press/television/film industry are at all influenced when the pharmaceutical Industry says JUMP!? …. Of course they are, and they all SHOUT! …. “How High?”

I’m choosing ‘The Great British Bake-Off’ as my example in this blog post because it has a tremendous ‘CULT’ following and ‘that’ is the danger here.

Many followers of The Great British Bake-Off will defend it to the end. They ‘will not’ have a word said against it, let alone believe it could be partly guilty of creating their ‘Obese’ lifestyle.

There might well be a Social-Media attack on this article, not because it’s WRONG! But because it goes ‘against’ the teachings of the ‘Cult’, which we all know can use ‘Neuro-Linguistic-Programming’ and ‘Subliminal Messaging’ extremely efficiently. Those who fall under the spell will not realise that they have been in effect ‘hypnotised’ and will see any objection to this cult as an attack on them ‘personally’.

Now this Blog is called ‘The Factoid Finder’ for a reason. YOU should be endowed with ‘Common-Sense’, most people still retain a smidgen of it even though Social Media has done it’s best to clean it out of your mind/brain/soul.

If you DO still have it, and it’s fully active, please feel free to ‘share’ this post with your family, friends and associates to try and help them to Wake-Up to the damaged society we’re ALL being lured into by the TV and the Entertainment Industry in general, all for the ‘profits’ of the Pharmaceutical Industry.

For More Common-Sense visit   readi-bay.com 

Just a thought ….. Be sure to leave your Comment/Opinion below.
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‘The Dawning Of The Third Age of Mankind’

Are we traveling down ‘The Vortex’ of Time itself?

(First Published In 2006 – What NOW! ?

In 1970, Alvin Toffler’s book “Future Shock” predicted a world in which technology evolved so quickly that society was stunned, unable to adjust, succumbing to “shattering stress and disorientation”.
A decade later, John Naisbitt took a less cataclysmic look, and focused on the next decade, with “Megatrends – Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives”; he updated that in 1990 with “Megatrends 2000”.

Toffler proved to be both right and wrong. “Future Shock” did attack
millions of people, but primarily those in the newly freed nations of the former Soviet Bloc, especially Russia itself. Hundreds of immigrants pouring out of those nations to the United States in the 1990s apparently returned back home, complaining about “too much choice”.

Even a worldly (British author) and ‘high tech consultant’ who spent the 1990’s living and working in Southern California and Washington, DC, will soon publish a book about his own American experience. One that includes a chapter on how even ‘Western Europeans’ can be
overwhelmed by ‘American-style’ consumerism.

The working title? “A Cornucopia of Confusing Consumer Choices: Forty-Five Types of Shredded Wheat?”

What Toffler failed to foresee, was the ease with which Americans,
Canadians and, within the dominion of their own societies, the rest of the “developed” world would not only accept, but often demand faster implementation of ‘new technologies’.

Generations raised on Star Trek and Star Wars did not merely ‘anticipate’ desktop computers, instant global inform-ation access, hand-held ‘global communi-cators’ and robots, they built them.

Some of Naisbitt’s predictions, such as a rise in home-based ‘networking’, were amazingly on target. Especially consider-
ing he never used the words ‘Internet’, ‘e-mail’, ‘global positioning system’ (GPS) – none of which as ‘yet’ existed – nor ‘terrorism’, arguably four of the most important factors driving late 20th and
early 21st Century society.

Perhaps the most astounding – (and controversial) – look at our
technology-based future came in 2001, when Ray Kurzweil, one of the world’s most honoured inventors, authors and futurists, published his ‘Law of Accelerating Returns’.

”An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is ‘exponential’, contrary to the common-sense ‘intuitive linear’ view. So we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st Century – it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate).

The ‘returns’, such as ‘chip speed’ and ‘cost-effectiveness’, also increase exponentially. There’s even ‘exponential growth’ in the rate of ‘exponential growth’.

Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human
intelligence, leading to ‘The Abnormal’- ‘technological change’ so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of ‘biological’ and ‘non-biological’ intelligence. Immortal ‘software-based’ humans, and ultra-high levels of ‘intelligence’ that expands outward into the Universe at the speed of light”.

And that is only the opening paragraph!

Kurzweil’s ‘law’ helps explain what Toffler feared and Naisbitt sought to analyze. As to whether Kurzweil is qualified to make such bold
statements, consider his remarkable biography at;  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Kurzweil . Or simply Microsoft chairman Bill Gates’ 2005 description of him as “the best at predicting the future of artificial intelligence”.

Given ‘Kurzweil’s Law’, Naisbitt’s ‘Megatrends’ and Toffler’s ‘Future
Shock’ are already being dwarfed by the speed of technological advance. Any new version of either book would have to be electronically published to avoid being comically out-of-date before ever reaching a bookstore.

Consider a few examples of where we are headed in the next 20 years or so:

Military doctors are already looking to field, (within a decade), an early version of Star-Trek’s medical ‘tricorder’. – Not hoping, or expecting, but planning.

The US Army’s ‘Future Warrior’, the com-bat infantry ensemble (circa 2020), has been called everything from a; ‘futuristic medieval knight’s suit of armour’ to a ‘Star Wars’ Imperial Trooper’.

But ‘Future Warrior’ is an evolutionary process, with the first elements now on their way to US troops in Southwest Asia. For whom small robots that perform dangerous tasks, such as checking for explosives at roadblocks, are already considered ‘honoured’ and ‘invaluable’ team mates.

Hydrogen fuel cells the size of soda cans have been powering TV field
cameras for the past two years; people all over the globe can flip open
their own ‘communicators’ and not only talk to anyone, anywhere. But take and send photos and movies, listen to music, download  information, send and receive text messages, and obtain precise GPS locations. – Even Mr. Spock would be likely to raise an eyebrow and mutter, “Fascinating”.

Kurzweil’s Singularity foresees a time – perhaps within the next two
decades – when it will be possible to download a human being’s
‘memories’ and ‘personality’ into a computer. Add an advanced and
highly realistic ‘avatar’ based on that individual’s actual appearance, (at any age), and an equally accurate voice synthesizer, and it will be
possible to have a real-time, original conversation with a dead relative, or teacher. Imagine Einstein or Mozart or da Vinci preserved for all time?

The religious implications, of course, are obvious, as are the legal and
societal: Will AI Grandpa still own his house? Will flesh-and-blood Grandma be able to remarry? Is erasing an AI personality disk  murder? And for writers and publishers, if copyrights continue for 70 years after the author’s death, is an AI author dead – or immortal?

Nanotechnology – (microscopic machines) – and ‘microbiology’ are
expected to combine to enable the repair of almost anything that goes wrong with any part of the Human body. No chemotherapy, no contact lenses, no open heart surgery, just an injection of thousands of tiny robotic surgeons programmed to deal with the problem.

(Don’t laugh, it’s almost here).

Experiments have already been performed to enable two people to share sensory perceptions. In others, robotic limbs have been activated by subjects thinking about moving their own arms or legs.

Such bio-electronic advances are expected to enable quadriplegics to
walk away from their wheelchairs, (possibly within a generation).

Consider:  – In 1906 we had just witnessed the first flight of a ‘heavier-than-air’ manned aircraft. A flight that lasted less than the wingspan of a Boeing 747. Six decades later, we were walking on the Moon.  In 1906, few people had access to a very cumbersome, expensive and unreliable telephone system, and radio was still an experiment. Today, you can watch television on your cellphone.

– In 1906, the average life expectancy in the US was 46.9 for men, 50.8 for women. Today, it is 74.5 for men and 79.9 for women, according to US government tables. But many ‘futurists’ say for those of us now living, the trick will simply be to live long enough . . ‘to live forever’ – which they believe the merger of  ‘biology’ and ‘technology’ will make possible, (in one form or another), within a generation.

“Future Shock” and “Megatrends” were products of the late 20th Century, when Kurzweil’s ‘Law of Accelerating Returns’ was just beginning to reach the Tipping Point – (that dramatic moment when something unique becomes common).

In contrast, the 21st Century will require entirely new legal, sociological, philosophical, religious, political, moral and personal concepts.

Perhaps it is – 250 years earlier than claimed by the 1990’s TV show “Babylon 5” – Truly …….The Dawn Of The Third Age of Mankind’.

Amazon – Saint? – Or Sinner?

Amazon – Saint or Sinner?

Now I know we all Love Amazon, (Hmmmm???) mainly for it’s fast speed of delivery, ease of ordering, and general over-all convenience……….
But is it a ‘World Of Make-Believe’ ??

Now as an Up-Date to this Blog Post that was written Well Before the dreaded Pandemic ……. Have you noticed WHO has benefitted MOST!! from all of the ‘necessary’ ?? … Lockdowns ?? ….. Hmmmm???

Many now also love Amazon because it’s where you ‘Could’ make an extraordinarily good living ‘selling’ on Amazon, mainly through it’s  FBA  (Fulfillment By Amazon)  programme where you put new or used products up for sale, send it off, or have it delivered to Amazon and ‘they’ do everything for you, (taking their commissions after sale), plus you have to pay a small ‘storage’ fee. But all said-and-done it ‘was’ a pretty good way for the ‘average joe’ to make a part-time, or full-time income.

Enter – Mr X –  who runs probably ‘the’ most successful training programme for literally ‘anyone’ wishing to get into the ‘FBA’ machine and start churning out Money! ……. Again; – Hmmmm???

X launched himself with his book ‘The Da-Da-Da Machine’ which was originally about selling on eBay but many updates later and it’s shifted mainly towards the FBA programme and his Online Training Course which can be accessed via his Facebook Group ‘MyDa-Da-DaTeam’ .
Be sure to check him out if you’re considering going down that route.

For More Common-Sense visit readi-bay.com

Now X has a very successful Podcast which is an extremely valuable resource, again it’s free to tune in and listen to. He has an extensive back-catalogue that you can browse through at your liesure, and one thing that sings through ‘all’ of his content is that he’s a committed Christian who only wants the best for everyone, hence the training (Paid and Free!) that he puts out there almost non-stop.

Now I don’t doubt his integrity and I have no association with him or his products, but I do trust that he’s a rarity, an online marketer with integrity and morals.

Having said that, I believe ‘he’ and the rest of us have been suckered into a make-believe world where we think we can set up an online business (through Amazon) and start usurping unlimited Money by way of profits or affiliate commissions for as long as we like and everything goes on as normal, absolutely fine. And if we continue to ‘buy’ all of our produce and products through Amazon, that because of it’s speed and convenience it ‘has’ to be the best and easiest way to make our purchases both ‘now’ and for the foreseeable ‘future’.

We are already ‘paying the price’ receiving the Karma and the Consequences of  Trading With Satan.
I’m not saying that Amazon is Satan, but what I AM Saying is that the ‘Concept’ which is led by Amazon is Trading With Satan.
I could also be talking about eBay, Etsy, Ali-Baba and more, they all offer amazing ‘selling’ and ‘earning’ opportunities online where we can get ‘all’ of our purchases and make ‘all’ of our money sitting at our laptops or on our smart-phones while the WORLD loses 50% of ALL the jobs available to ‘us’ – Yes US! – Humans, with a need to actually ‘work’ to not only keep ourselves sane, but to keep ourselves healthy too.

SATAN doesn’t much like us Humans, he’d much rather we were ‘gone’ from this planet so that it could revert to his state of ‘oblivion’ – that we call ‘hell’ and he’s found the tools to do it, with willing supporters who have been fooled into thinking they are doing ‘Gods’ work.
Enter …. Amazon, Google, eBay and Co, not to mention ALL of those high-flying ‘Online Gurus’ who are usurping the Beejeesus out of the world economy every second of every day.

Mr X, bless his heart, is just ‘one’ victim here.
A well imbursed victim, true! But a victim of his own conscience for sure, and I’ve no doubt that most of his subscribers/customers/pupils are also God-Fearing folk with the Very Best intentions for the rest of us as well, but in actual fact they’re digging not only ‘their own graves’, but the graves for the rest of us too ….. And while I expose others for Dealing With Satan, ‘I’ and all of ‘you’ who are reading this blog post are ‘Also Guilty’.

We have taken the Apple that is; .. Social Media … and we’ve devoured it all, burping and ‘thanking’ the very person who gave us such a wonderful ‘Gift‘ almost every minute of every day.

Now if that’s not ‘Worship’ I don’t know what is, so no matter What Religion your Faith lies with, or even if you have NO Religion (that’s fine too) We Are ALL Guilty of worshipping SATAN and thanking him for blessing us with the very GIFTS that will destroy us ALL …. Very SOON!
Now don’t even get me started on ‘Artificial Intelligence’ AARRGGHH!!!!
(That’ll be for another post)

“Thank The Brethren for they know not what they do”.

Jobs are already being LOST world-wide at an unprecedented rate (and especially in the USA) with major stores and corporations closing down because they simply CANNOT compete with Amazon and AliBaba in particular, so while you all BUY your produce/products from Amazon, or you’re making extraordinary amounts of £$£$£$£$’s from Amazon and Co, just remember ….
Actions receive Consequences, especially actions against Humanity.

At the time of writing, Toys’R’Us are teetering on the edge of Bankrupcty with a loss of 1,000’s of jobs and with millions of children missing out on the JOY of visiting such an amazing wonderland. As a consequence, Mattel may also go under as Toys’R’Us is their MAIN client/customer. The list will get BIGGER – FASTER and ALL-Encompassing while we ALL sit back and say how ‘convenient’ shopping and earning money through Amazon & Co is …… #WakeUp people for goodness sake …. You Have An Amazing GIFT! …. It’s called ‘Common-Sense’ …. Please Use it or LOSE it 🙁

‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ has more thoughts on the concept – Here! – (It’s Free!)
And Remember …. Social-Hypnosis is REAL!

Just a thought ….. Be sure to leave your Comment/Opinion below

For More Common-Sense visit readi-bay.com


Did You Join ‘The Emperors New Clothes Society’?


The Emperors New Clothes Society has been around for hundreds of years now, and the really funny thing is – almost ‘all’ of it’s members don’t have a clue that they ‘are’ fully-paid-up-members. Sounds impossible right! ?

Now think about it, when you’re in a group of work mates, friends or family, do you find yourself agreeing with the ‘majority view’ of the group?

When you go to the cinema/theatre having seen the reviews by the official ‘critics’ who all say it’s a masterpiece, a wonderful interpretation of some concept or other, do you leave agreeing with them, because you’re sure you’d look foolish if you argued ‘against’ the populist view?

Maybe you’re on Social-Media and all of your friends/followers/subscribers all seem to have a pretty assured ‘opinion’ about a certain subject. Do you automatically like, share and comment to show your support and agreement without necessarily knowing all about the subject anyway, or you know that really deep down they’re NOT! Right? ….

Don’t worry, it’s a trait that almost ALL of us actually have, and hardly ANY of us know it. This is why you should wear your T-shirt below, with Pride!..
(And Yes! The Mis-Spelling Is Supposed To Be ‘Irony’)

You don’t have to follow the herd any more, – “This Age is of Aquarius, Enlightenment to ALL” – Look around you, everywhere, see all the Herd agreeing with each other, especially on Social Media. Once you open your eyes it’s like having X-ray-Vision and the Phoney’s are all singing and dancing in front of you, no matter where you look, the picture is the same!

A study was done some years ago for TV where groups of actors were put into a room along with a few members of the public taken off the streets outside to take part in a ‘Paid Survey’. No-one apparently knew each other, except the actors had been primed. The survey started with questions they could all agree on, and then it moved up a gear to questions that the ‘majority’ (actors) all gave the SAME but WRONG answers to.

Almost all of the volunteers agreed with the wrong answer, even though it was obviously the wrong one. They were afraid to look stupid in front of their peers, so took the ‘natural’ decision to follow the herd. This was repeated several times during the day, with exactly the SAME results.

Another prime example was the popular Jeremy Beadle programme ‘Game For A Laugh’ where they hired an expensive Art Gallery and invited all of the top Art Critics to attend a NEW Artist’s Exhibition, drinks and buffet all free!

They took several people off the streets who were NOT artists, plonked them in a scrap-yard with a load of paints and canvasses then asked them to produce ‘anything’ – the MORE Bonkers, the better 🙂

That evening, the critics turned up, the paint was still wet, and the conversations began between these Lauded Critics. Yes, they were certain they knew the inside of the mind of this Amazing New Talent!! Their concept for the ‘Art?’ was clear to see, and so should be worth many £1,000’s in the near future and well-worth an investment today before the other Art Experts discovered the work.

It was all going very swimmingly, mainly because the critics knew the event was being filmed for a ‘serious’ art discussion programme …. UNTIL! …. Jeremy Beadle stepped out of the shadows ….. THEIR Faces were the Real Picture – They didn’t know where to look next, and then the penny dropped!! The WHOLE Nation had them Sussed Now … They too were just ‘Following The Herd’ very expensively of course, but an investment is an investment and it’s HOW they could afford to do so in the first place.

We are all herd followers at the end of the day, you might like to read the Free PDF by Ven Bunce called ‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ – Click Here!

It explains in very simple detail ‘how’ and ‘why’ we are all led by the nose and automatically enrolled into ‘The Emporers New Clothes Society’ without our permission. More importantly, how we can leave at will.

Please check out the various ways you can Enlighten all of those around you, by starting this very important discussion Here!