MLM – The Reasons It Succeeds


Well Now! – I reckon a lot of you visiting this post will have come with a pocket-full of doubt. – MLM ?? – Isn’t that PONZI Schemes, Chain-Letters, Defrauding and Bothering Friends & Family? etc; etc;

Well NO! – That’s the line Governments World-Wide have pushed through the MSM/Main-Stream-Media for years now. The same way that they’ve pushed the lie that ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ is a legitimate term to describe people who expose the ‘Truth!’ that governments worldwide don’t want the public to know about.

For instance, all governments use a PONZI Scheme to draw taxes from the public and businesses. They dress it up in jargon designed to NOT be understood by the ‘common-man’, but nevertheless they do use the ponzi-scheme to attract money that they have NO desire to pay back.

A Ponzi scheme is a type of investment fraud that lures investors by promising high returns with little or no risk. The scheme pays earlier investors with the capital contributed by newer investors, rather than from profit earned by the operation of a legitimate business. As more people are drawn into the scheme, the organizer uses their investments to pay returns to the earlier investors, creating the illusion of a profitable enterprise.

Here are some key characteristics of a Ponzi scheme:

  1. Promise of High Returns with Little Risk: Ponzi schemes often attract investors by promising unusually high returns on investments with little or no risk. These promises are typically unrealistic and unsustainable.
  2. Consistent Returns: Regardless of market conditions, Ponzi schemes typically promise and deliver consistent returns to investors, further convincing them of the scheme’s legitimacy.
  3. Lack of Transparency: The investment strategy and the business model of a Ponzi scheme are often vague, complex, or secretive. Investors may not be provided with clear, accurate information about how their money is being invested.
  4. Difficulty Receiving Payments: As the scheme progresses, it may become increasingly difficult for investors to withdraw their money or receive their returns. Organizers might provide excuses or create delays to prevent investors from cashing out.
  5. Collapse: Ponzi schemes rely on a constant influx of new investors to pay returns to earlier investors. Eventually, the scheme collapses when it becomes difficult to recruit new investors or when a large number of existing investors attempt to cash out simultaneously.

The term “Ponzi scheme” is named after Charles Ponzi, who orchestrated a fraudulent investment scheme in the early 20th century involving international postal reply coupons. Ponzi promised investors high returns by trading these coupons, but he was actually using the money from new investors to pay off earlier ones, creating the illusion of a successful business.

You may well say; That’s nothing like the taxation system that governments use. We’re not investors, we HAVE to PAY whether We like it or NOT!
YES! we DO! …. But taxes are ‘sold’ to us on the pretext of; “You give US a proportion of your earnings or profits and in return We’ll look after ‘everything’ for You. Roads, Education, Health, Food Supplies, National Security, etc; etc; All You! have to do is earn a wage, start a business, live the life you please, and WE! the Government will do everything for you in return for that small  Investment as a percentage of your earnings/profits”.

Sounds like a GREAT Investment to Me!  🙂

Of course! Recently we’re hearing in 2024 that America now ‘owes’ so many Trillions of Dollars and that it will NEVER! be able to pay back the Loans it has taken out to Prop-up the Initial Investment by the Public/Business Taxes, and the NATION could face Bankruptcy. The UK is in a similar position. As is ALL of the other Nations who use the Taxing method to run the country. The chickens are coming home to roost. With WAR being the next resort to regenerate the funds so desperately needed via Arms Deals and Re-Construction work on Devastated Towns, Cities, Communities over areas Destroyed! In the process of War!

Now let’s look at the Chain-Letters shall We? – Us Baby-Boomers remember well the chain-letter phenomenon. We could send out ten letters (or more) to random folk or friends and family, who would then replicate the action after first paying the persons (Usually 4 or 5 – $£1- each who SENT them the invitation) a pre-determined fee for the privilege. The power of Geometric Progression ensured a great return on our small investment if a good proportion joined in. We were regularly pleased with the results. A really good way to earn an extra income when times were hard back in the 50’s – 70’s. and of course! There’s the much publicised version of events where Henry Ford actually used the Chain-Letter phenomenon to raise funds to GROW Ford back in the early days.

SADLY! the governments didn’t much like ‘The Common Man’ becoming fairly rich in a relatively short amount of time and feared the rise of ‘The Nouveau Riche’ who were entering politics and spoiling their money-hoover cartel’s. So they made Chain-Letters Illegal – To ‘protect’ us ALL from the fraudulent Ponzi-Type-Scheme. Of course, the Sheeple sucked-it-up and accepted it.

Because MLM was very similar to the chain-letter method of wealth generation, folk started calling it a ‘Pyramid Scheme’ – A Ponzi-Scheme’ – a ‘Chain-Letter Scam’ .. All promoted through the MSM as though it was FACT!
Thus! MLM or Network Marketing as it’s now known as, still gets a regular bashing from those who can’t see the wood-for-the-trees.

If TRUTH be told – MLM is ‘the’ perfect marketing tool, where anyone, from anywhere, from any walk-of-life, educated or NOT! – It simply doesn’t matter, can make a very good living as MLM/Network Marketing is used in EVERY BUSINESS! …. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Tesla, Facebook, Uber, ALL! Social Media Platforms, Religions, Banks, – YES! BANKS! – (Referral Incentives) – They ALL followed Jesus – who used it by telling his disciples “Go Forth And Multiply – Spread My Message Far And Wide” – And they DID! Very successfully too! Using the Power of Geometric Progression – MLM!

Now I expect you’re waiting for me to Flog you a Network-Marketing Programme where You’ll Definitely! Make Your Fortune! In return for little-or-NO-work! … Sorry! – No such luck – You need to do Your OWN due diligence if You are interested in securing Your financial future using MLM. (Ask Mr Google) But it WILL be worth it if You work consistently, ethically and morally. Good Luck – And You might like to check out My ‘Merch Shop‘ if you liked this Post – And Please ‘Share’ and ‘comment’ before You GO! 🙂
