The Money Tree – For Free!

OK …… So where ‘is’ the Money-Tree?

That question again – and a ‘condensed’ answer.

You’re walking along a very long road accross a desert and you’ve got your bottle of water to keep you hydrated as it’s very hot and you’ve a long way to go. You’ve been walking for miles, taking little sips of water as you go but you can start to see your water bottle running dry, you need to replenish it somehow, but how?

You come accross an old water pump by the side of the road and your prayers are answered, you just pump away and refill your water bottle. But HEY! – The pump’s not working.  It will NOT pump that dang water out of the ground no matter HOW HARD you continue to pump. – You stand there, scratch your head then remember …… You ‘have to’ PRIME the pump first – before the water will flow.  Problem is, you only have a little bit of water left in your bottle, can you afford to put ‘any’ of it into the pump to get enough water out again to replenish it?

You have two choices;
You either prime the pump, get the water flowing, drink as much as you like and fill your bottle for the rest of your journey. While You’re at it – You fill the Water Bucket sitting there, so that You can water the ‘Money-Tree’ right next to it.

Orrrr …. you hang on to that little bit of water in your bottle and HOPE that it gets you the rest of the way. If it doesn’t, you might die.

Guess which CHOICE Most Governments Make! – On ‘Our’ Behalf??

YES! …. Amazingly they chose the second option.

PLUS! – Instead of filling the Water-Bucket with Water to Help the ‘Money Tree’ to Grow! – They ignore it – Hoping Someone Else! will prime the pump and Water It FOR Them.

“Hang on to what we already have. Don’t prime the pump, and HOPE that somehow MAGIC happens and everything ends up Happy-Ever-After.
But any Money that ‘does flow’ we’ll take and use it to Prop-Up Businesses that WE have invested Our ‘Hard-Earned’ Cash that We DRAW from the Public Purse and call our Salary and Expenses”

See;    ‘The Run-To-The-Hills Society

The economy (PUMP) that provides jobs, wealth, security and above all TAXES needs to be primed. The Government actually KNOW this as they are mostly ALL ££Wealthy people with sound financial heads (supposedly) but because of their overriding quest for ultimate POWER over the rest of us – And Financial Rewards – they are prepared to split society apart with their  ‘Them & Us’  rhetoric via the Benefits lie that they’ve SOLD to the Hard-Working among us, and the ‘must live within our means’ LIE – which they actually DO NOT practice in their private lives.

Anyone who has ever done a Business Studies Course or Degree will have been told as one of the basic pillars of business SUCCESS ……. “Never Use Your Own Money” …. “Always ‘Borrow’ Money To Finance ANY Business”. This is not made-up fiction. – Read ‘any’ of the highly successful ‘classics’ on Business Development – Or even Self-Development – and you’ll see that excellent advice being offered all the time.

Do you think Property Developers use their own money? – There are numerous successful Property Development courses out there and their NUMBER ONE piece of advice is; “Never Use Your Own Money” …. I could go on & on with examples of where and HOW you should always use other people’s money if you want to build a successful business – but I know you’re brighter than THAT! ….. Problem IS, that MP’s think we’re ALL as ‘Thick As S**T’ and treat us accordingly.

‘Austerity’ meant they continued to use up that last bit of water in the bottle, that they DO NOT prime the pump (the economy) and we stagger on aimlessly until we’re so weak and feeble that we become PREY to any country/administration that decides to use us as their play-things, or more precisely; ‘Worker Drones’ who will obey every command and ‘work-til-we-drop’ for the good of a fallen Nation.

The Alternative?? ……. We Prime That Pump, we ‘borrow’ the necessary funds to prime businesses – Firstly – the Building Industry – because so many other businesses Feed OFF! of any developments – no matter where they’re built.

We need a RAFT of new Social Housing to ‘house’ not only the Homeless, but those living in unbearable POVERTY at present thanks to the ‘Rogue Landlords’ that governments support.

Remember;   The Homeless,  – they find it almost impossible to find work. Then those living in Poverty are also NOT inclined to put in a good days work either,  as more often than not they are  ‘clinically depressed’ by the situation they find themselves in.

A ‘Content  Society’ is a ‘Productive Society’ so it stands to reason that you HAVE to invest in The People first before you see this once Great Nation – Great Britain – reclaim it’s rightful place on the world stage. We need people to pay Taxes, but they can’t do that on Minimum Wage, Zero-Hours-Contracts or On Benefits, so by priming the pump we actually INCREASE the amount of taxes being paid into the treasury.  Governments KNOW this, but their Ideologies and Personal Greed gets in the way.

To those who continuously complain about the ‘Stay-At-Home-On-Benefits’ Society, you should take a look at it from the employers stand-point – Would YOU like to have to pay a ‘lazy-good-for-nothing’ to come and work for YOU! ??
I guess the answers NO! then?

Best to let THOSE Folk stay at home doing nothing so that those who DO want to work, go to work and fill their potential as a fulfilled human, but find the jobs all taken up by the lazy, negative skivers who have taken a ‘job’ to avoid the MESS! that is Universal Credit – Which itself! Should put most people OFF! ever claiming a benefit of ANY kind.

Give the ‘workers’ the jobs – Give the employers, entrepreneurs, self-employed the carrot to ‘Go For It!’ – succeed – and LIFT Great Britain back to prosperity.

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