Amazon – Saint Or Sinner ??

Now I know we all Love Amazon, (Hmmmm???) mainly for it’s fast speed of delivery, ease of ordering, and general over-all convenience……….
But is it a ‘World Of Make-Believe’ ??

Now as an Up-Date to this Blog Post that was written Well Before the dreaded Pandemic ……. Have you noticed WHO has benefitted MOST!! from all of the ‘necessary’ ?? … Lockdowns ?? ….. Hmmmm???

Many now also love Amazon because it’s where you ‘Could’ make an extraordinarily good living ‘selling’ on Amazon, mainly through it’s  FBA  (Fulfillment By Amazon)  programme where you put new or used products up for sale, send it off, or have it delivered to Amazon and ‘they’ do everything for you, (taking their commissions after sale), plus you have to pay a small ‘storage’ fee. But all said-and-done it ‘was’ a pretty good way for the ‘average joe’ to make a part-time, or full-time income.

Enter – Mr X –  who runs probably ‘the’ most successful training programme for literally ‘anyone’ wishing to get into the ‘FBA’ machine and start churning out Money! ……. Again; – Hmmmm???

X launched himself with his book ‘The Da-Da-Da Machine’ which was originally about selling on eBay but many updates later and it’s shifted mainly towards the FBA programme and his Online Training Course which can be accessed via his Facebook Group ‘MyDa-Da-DaTeam’ .
Be sure to check him out if you’re considering going down that route.

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Now X has a very successful Podcast which is an extremely valuable resource, again it’s free to tune in and listen to. He has an extensive back-catalogue that you can browse through at your liesure, and one thing that sings through ‘all’ of his content is that he’s a committed Christian who only wants the best for everyone, hence the training (Paid and Free!) that he puts out there almost non-stop.

Now I don’t doubt his integrity and I have no association with him or his products, but I do trust that he’s a rarity, an online marketer with integrity and morals.

Having said that, I believe ‘he’ and the rest of us have been suckered into a make-believe world where we think we can set up an online business (through Amazon) and start usurping unlimited Money by way of profits or affiliate commissions for as long as we like and everything goes on as normal, absolutely fine. And if we continue to ‘buy’ all of our produce and products through Amazon, that because of it’s speed and convenience it ‘has’ to be the best and easiest way to make our purchases both ‘now’ and for the foreseeable ‘future’.

We are already ‘paying the price’ receiving the Karma and the Consequences of  Trading With Satan.
I’m not saying that Amazon is Satan, but what I AM Saying is that the ‘Concept’ which is led by Amazon is Trading With Satan.
I could also be talking about eBay, Etsy, Ali-Baba and more, they all offer amazing ‘selling’ and ‘earning’ opportunities online where we can get ‘all’ of our purchases and make ‘all’ of our money sitting at our laptops or on our smart-phones while the WORLD loses 50% of ALL the jobs available to ‘us’ – Yes US! – Humans, with a need to actually ‘work’ to not only keep ourselves sane, but to keep ourselves healthy too.

SATAN doesn’t much like us Humans, he’d much rather we were ‘gone’ from this planet so that it could revert to his state of ‘oblivion’ – that we call ‘hell’ and he’s found the tools to do it, with willing supporters who have been fooled into thinking they are doing ‘Gods’ work.
Enter …. Amazon, Google, eBay and Co, not to mention ALL of those high-flying ‘Online Gurus’ who are usurping the Beejeesus out of the world economy every second of every day.

Mr X, bless his heart, is just ‘one’ victim here.
A well imbursed victim, true! But a victim of his own conscience for sure, and I’ve no doubt that most of his subscribers/customers/pupils are also God-Fearing folk with the Very Best intentions for the rest of us as well, but in actual fact they’re digging not only ‘their own graves’, but the graves for the rest of us too ….. And while I expose others for Dealing With Satan, ‘I’ and all of ‘you’ who are reading this blog post are ‘Also Guilty’.

We have taken the Apple that is; .. Social Media … and we’ve devoured it all, burping and ‘thanking’ the very person who gave us such a wonderful ‘Gift‘ almost every minute of every day.

Now if that’s not ‘Worship’ I don’t know what is, so no matter What Religion your Faith lies with, or even if you have NO Religion (that’s fine too) We Are ALL Guilty of worshipping SATAN and thanking him for blessing us with the very GIFTS that will destroy us ALL …. Very SOON!
Now don’t even get me started on ‘Artificial Intelligence’ AARRGGHH!!!!
(That’ll be for another post)

“Thank The Brethren for they know not what they do”.

Jobs are already being LOST world-wide at an unprecedented rate (and especially in the USA) with major stores and corporations closing down because they simply CANNOT compete with Amazon and AliBaba in particular, so while you all BUY your produce/products from Amazon, or you’re making extraordinary amounts of £$£$£$£$’s from Amazon and Co, just remember ….
Actions receive Consequences, especially actions against Humanity.

At the time of writing, Toys’R’Us are teetering on the edge of Bankrupcty with a loss of 1,000’s of jobs and with millions of children missing out on the JOY of visiting such an amazing wonderland. As a consequence, Mattel may also go under as Toys’R’Us is their MAIN client/customer. The list will get BIGGER – FASTER and ALL-Encompassing while we ALL sit back and say how ‘convenient’ shopping and earning money through Amazon & Co is …… #WakeUp people for goodness sake …. You Have An Amazing GIFT! …. It’s called ‘Common-Sense’ …. Please Use it or LOSE it 😦

‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ has more thoughts on the concept – Here! – (It’s Free!)
And Remember …. Social-Hypnosis is REAL!

Just a thought ….. Be sure to leave your Comment/Opinion below

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